
Chapter 2: Racing against the elements


比赛对nst the elements

With an ambitious deadline of just more than four years for such a large project, Tierie knew the team couldn’t allow for any disruption.


“由于我们的时间表,我们已经有很多天必须直接工作。我们迫不及待地等待晚上或凉爽的温度。” Tierie说。“借助Leica Viva TS15总站的耐用性,我们能够在工作日的任何地方进行高临界性的放行。这使我们能够确保一切都准备好按时开始。”

使用Leica Geo Office和Infinity软件,该团队能够立即将现实捕获数据从现场转移回办公室,以更快地处理。bob综合app赌博这样,如果需要额外的测量,团队可以在现场时这样做,而无需以后返回。

The team also used the Leica Rugby rotating laser and construction levels to perform accurate as-built checks. With almost all of Leica Geosystems instruments able to operate from -20 to 50 degrees Celsius, the Strukton team is on schedule to finish the project.

Next, as the largest city in the country and with a unprecedented growth in the past decade, the city’s utilities have created a complex infrastructure challenge. While constructing the Riyadh Metro Line, the team had to remain vigilant not to interfere with any of the buried utilities or lines running above, many times not knowing exactly where these utilities were located. Combining the Leica GS14 GNSS smart antenna with the Leica GR10 GNSS reference station receiver, Tierie and his team were able to precisely locate and account for rogue utilities. Saving precious time and avoiding dangerous utility strikes, the team was able to work quicker, safer and more efficiently.


Finally, the constant ongoing construction put roads and buildings in unstable environments. With the vibration from heavy machinery, such as when excavating trenches for cut and cover tunnels, these city assets were in danger of uneven and unsafe settlement. In conjunction with their measuring task, the surveyors were also in charge of monitoring the ongoing construction and its impact on the surrounding areas.

Tierie说:“借助Leica TM50总站的准确性,我们能够迅速确定施工操作是否对周围结构产生负面影响。”“改善了机组人员和社区的安全性,我们的工作在利雅得得到了很好的接待。”

The team has future plans to supplement the monitoring process with Leica GeoMoS monitoring software for instant alerts to deviations in the structures.

Explore next chapter:Worldwide support

Story: Moving a capital city forward
Chapter 2: Racing against the elements
Chapter 3:Worldwide support

记者74- May 2016

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