
Video Case Study


作者:Frank Collazo

On Sept. 19, 2017, a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico City and the surrounding states. The earthquake caused the collapse of several buildings, killing 369 people and injuring more than 6,000. Damaged infrastructure also included destroyed bridges, roads, and water and electricity utilities. Mexico City was the most affected with 228 deaths and 38 buildings collapsed. More than 800 buildings are in red code, meaning that they did not collapse but will be demolished.

为了帮助恢复,国家和地方应急管理部门要求总部位于墨西哥城的Leica Geosystems员工使用遥感,真人捕获技术安全地记录损坏。bob综合app赌博

Reality capture’s role in emergency management


Leica Pegasus:背包Leica Scanstation P40被部署到激光扫描和图像尽可能多的倒塌建筑物,以记录损坏并捕获最新地图,建筑物和基础设施的照片和计划。


现在,墨西哥的灾难管理机构在线访问此数据Leica Pegasus:Webviewer,Leica Geosystems的Web查看服务,该服务允许用户通过处理的图像和点云进行导航,分析和协作。

“借助Leica Pegasus的地理参考信息:背包,我们确切地知道每个门,巷子和窗户都在哪里。现在,我可以给我的机组人员准确说明去哪里以及在到达那里之前的期望。没有数据,灾难管理是一个复杂的过程,”said Dr. Armando Aguilar, president of the Commission on Safety and Hygiene and Civil Protection.

使用Pegasus:Backpack拍摄的所有地理参考的全景图像都是有序记录灾难网站,这些灾难将有助于未来的法医调查。使用Pegasus:Webviewer,紧急个人可以在现场看到碎屑和瓦砾之前倒塌的建筑物的确切状态。Leica Geosystems的工作人员捕获的所有信息均已共享,并通过Pegasus Webviewer的网络服务器提供给国家民用保护局和墨西哥当地政府。



During data collection with the Pegasus:Backpack, the team relied on the new HxGN SmartNet GNSS base stations in Mexico City to immediately process the GNSS data generated by the mobile mapping solution. Thanks to HxGN SmartNet, a satellite positioning service, GNSS data was available in real time and the team didn’t have to wait about 24 hours to download data from the closest Mexico City public GNSS base stations.

“我们在地震发生前完成了HXGN Smartnet墨西哥第一阶段的安装。我们很高兴在此事件之后提供基站,以便立即向我们的团队使用Pegasus:背包后处理。我们正在2018年初在该国推出订阅服务,”Mexam地区的HXGN SmartNet协调员Cinthia Salinas说。

“我们还在中美洲和南美发展了HXGN SmartNet的浓厚兴趣。我们预计,HXGN Smartnet墨西哥将成为未来几年在整个拉丁美洲开发的许多HXGN SmartNet电台中的第一个,”NAFTA地区的HXGN SmartNet高级项目工程师Jill Johnson补充了Jill Johnson。


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