
Video Case Study


作者:弗兰克·科拉索(Frank Collazo)

On Sept. 19, 2017, a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico City and the surrounding states. The earthquake caused the collapse of several buildings, killing 369 people and injuring more than 6,000. Damaged infrastructure also included destroyed bridges, roads, and water and electricity utilities. Mexico City was the most affected with 228 deaths and 38 buildings collapsed. More than 800 buildings are in red code, meaning that they did not collapse but will be demolished.

为了帮助恢复,国家和地方应急管理部门要求总部位于墨西哥城的Leica Geosystems员工使用遥感,真人捕获技术安全地记录损坏。bob综合app赌博



TheLeica Pegasus:BackpackandLeica Scanstation P40被部署到激光扫描和图像尽可能多的倒塌建筑物,以记录损坏并捕获最新地图,建筑物和基础设施的照片和计划。

Pegasus:背包被证明是无价的,因为它可以迅速safely and easily capture the inaccessible disaster area in 3D and document entire blocks by foot. The ScanStation P40 laser scanned heavily damaged un-collapsed buildings to do structural analysis. All data for collapsed buildings in the most affected district of Mexico City was captured by two employees inunder two hours并在同一天进行处理。在清除碎屑和瓦砾之前捕获了关键数据,现在是ArcGIS兼容点云和全景图像形式的永久记录。

This data is now being accessed online by Mexico’s disaster management agency throughLeica Pegasus:WebViewer, Leica Geosystems’ web viewing service that allows users to navigate, analyse and collaborate through the processed images and point clouds.

“With the georeferenced information of the Leica Pegasus:Backpack, we know exactly where every door, alley and window is located. I can now give my crew accurate instructions on where to go and what to expect before they get there. Without the data, disaster management is a complicated process,”阿曼德Aguilar博士说,总统的副手ion on Safety and Hygiene and Civil Protection.

使用Pegasus:Backpack拍摄的所有地理参考的全景图像都是有序记录灾难网站,这些灾难将有助于未来的法医调查。使用Pegasus:Webviewer,紧急个人可以在现场看到碎屑和瓦砾之前倒塌的建筑物的确切状态。Leica Geosystems的工作人员捕获的所有信息均已共享,并通过Pegasus Webviewer的网络服务器提供给国家民用保护局和墨西哥当地政府。

Accessing GNSS data with the largest reference network


在使用Pegasus:背包的数据收集期间,该团队依靠墨西哥城的新的HXGN SmartNet GNSS基站,以立即处理由移动映射解决方案生成的GNSS数据。多亏了HXGN SmartNet,卫星定位服务,GNSS数据可实时获得,团队不必等待大约24小时就可以从最近的墨西哥城公共GNSS基站下载数据。

“We finished the installation of the first phase of HxGN SmartNet Mexico just before the earthquake. We were very glad to have the base station available in the aftermath of this event for immediate use to our team for Pegasus:Backpack post processing. We are launching the subscription service in the country early 2018,”said Cinthia Salinas, HxGN SmartNet coordinator for MexAm region.

“我们还在中美洲和南美发展了HXGN SmartNet的浓厚兴趣。我们预计,HXGN Smartnet墨西哥将成为未来几年在整个拉丁美洲开发的许多HXGN SmartNet电台中的第一个,”added Jill Johnson, HxGN SmartNet senior project engineer for NAFTA region.

We express our sincerest condolences for Mexico City, and we keep all of those affected by the earthquake in our daily thoughts.




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