An airport to sustain lives

圣海伦娜(St. Helena)位于南大西洋,是一个小型的热带火山岛,尺寸为17 x 10公里(11 x 6英里),是英国的海外领土,即使该岛几乎是7,000公里(4,670英里)远。它是地球上最偏远的地方之一。最近的陆地是非洲,距离岛上约2,000公里(1,333英里)。货物,邮件和设备运输限制使圣海伦娜的居民变得困难,而英国老化的船,RMS圣海伦娜(RMS St Helena)在1999年崩溃时,圣海伦娜(St. Helena)的4,000名居民陷入了困境而且没有生命物资的交付,因为这艘船是该岛唯一到大陆的运输工具。决定最终建造一个绿色田野机场,这是一个在圣海伦娜(St. Helena)的未开发地点上从头开始建造的机场,并取代了该岛的主要通道提供商。经过多年的谈判和计划,该项目于2012年开始,预算约为2.4亿英镑(3.98亿美元,3亿欧元),计划于2016年完成。

英国国际发展部项目经理奈杰尔·柯比(Nigel Kirby)说:“没有现代机场,几乎没有机会与任何事情进行经济竞争。”这个国际机场是圣海伦娜(St. Helena)的历史里程碑,将为该岛提供一个通过发展旅游和就业机会创造经济机会的机会,也许最终导致了该岛的经济自我维护性。建造该机场的项目是南半球最大的项目之一,并被授予南非建筑集团。

该建筑工地位于该岛东部的繁荣湾附近,是由于该岛的岩石地形和环境问题而真正受到质疑的少数地区之一。干燥的肠道是将成为未来机场跑道的一部分的峡谷的名称。This gorge had to be drilled, blasted and filled with 8 million cubic metres (8 million cubic yards) of blasted rock for a depth of over 100 metres (328 feet) in order to become part of the airport’s 2,000 metre (6,562 feet) runway. After the gorge was filled, it had to sit for at least six months to avoid settlement problems and cracks in the runway, after which paving could begin.

但是首先,资源和设备必须运到岛上。Basil Read contracted the NP Glory 4, a massive cargo vessel to transport amongst other things, a slipform paver equipped with Leica Geosystems PaveSmart 3D machine control, which was also used with Wirtgen Group’s paving & milling equipment, Leica Viva TS15 total stations and 45,000 m³ (58,860 yd³) of dune sand from Namibia, which was needed to pave the runway. To mix the concrete, more than five million kilograms of sand was needed and this was shipped in plastic bags weighing 1,000 kg (2,205 lb) each.

船前的年代et off from Namibia, both the Leica Geosystems specialist and Wirtgen technician worked together on a pre-delivery inspection. With the ship’s journey taking five days and only traveling once a month, all equipment had to work, even if an extra set of all equipment was also on-site.

The paving width of the paver is 2.8 metres (9.2 feet) and was designed to match the capacity of the concrete batching plant, which could, at peak operation times, run two shifts six days a week. The teams were able to keep up with concrete production using Leica Geosystems PaveSmart 3D machine control and Leica Viva TS15 total stations. Together, they achieved an optimised yield of concrete by means of measuring with the total stations to precisely track the paver’s position and elevation and sending any tracking corrections back to the PaveSmart 3D machine control, which calculated and corrected the paver’s positions. This helped simplify the logistics of the paving immensely.

铺路工作始于围裙,未使用飞机的停车区以及150 x 75米(492 x 246英尺)的混凝土板,乘客将登机,飞机将加油。此外,靠近该区域将是专门针对私人企业喷气机的特殊表面。

使用Leica Pavesmart 3D软件,加上TS15总站,还节省了用字符串储备的需求,并消除了相关的手动劳动和设置所需bob apple的费用。摊铺机,混凝土卡车和现场车辆不再需要围绕琴弦开车并减少其工作流程。同样,当工作人员在弱光条件下工作时,无绳索的工作地点到目前为止更安全,而且随时都没有意外重新定位指导字符串。

The unique desert ecosystem of Prosperous Bay also profited by the use the Leica PaveSmart 3D machine control. The machine control system minimised vehicle movement on-site and also reduced trips to transport materials. This kept the footprint of the airport project as compact as possible.

Basil Read is also well into completing the airport’s terminal building, air traffic control tower, fire facility and fuel storages, all part of a modern airport’s infrastructure and the first international flight should land on the completed runway by February, 2016. Basil Read, together with Lanseria, will also continue to maintain the airport for an additional ten years.

罗勒除了在Leica Geosystems产品和解决方案的帮助下,除了建立了与现代世界的链接,提供现代运输和提供必要物资的快速和可靠手段外,还带来了急需的就业机会bob综合app下载经济未来,为圣海伦娜人口提供更好的生活水平。

由弗雷德里克·鲁德奎斯特(Fredrik Rudqvist)撰写



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