问答视觉定位和Leica GS18 I

GS18 I

产品工程师METKA MAJERIC回答有关视觉定位技术和Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover的问题。

What are the challenges when surveying with a conventional GNSS sensor?

To be able to measure points, a GNSS sensor needs to receive satellite signals. The position of a point can only be measured when the GNSS RTK sensor hasaccess to the open sky and the pole tip is physically in reach of the point. If this is not possible surveyors can use alternatives methods such as:

  • Different workarounds e.g. taping offset, using COGO functionality and sketching
  • 与GNSS RTK传感器相结合的其他设备,例如CS20与integrated悬臂或4米杆。这种测量方式可能是耗时的,也可能损害准确性。
  • 替代传感器,例如总站。bob apple当只有几个无法用GS传感器测量的点时,使用此类替代方案也可能很耗时。

用户面临额外的挑战,当a lot of detail needs surveying。用杆尖来测量每个点需要大量时间在现场。还有一些遗漏的风险,需要重新审视该站点,从而导致额外的费用。

Leica GS18我如何克服这些挑战?

With the GS18 I there is no need to use other time-consuming methods or additional equipment. Due to the integration of GNSS, IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and a camera, the points with obstructed view to the sky and other inaccessible points can be measured from images using the Visual Positioning technology within GS18 I. This new technology allows points of interest captured from a distance to be measured with survey-grade accuracy.

In which situations would surveying professionals use Visual Positioning technology?

Visual Positioning is particularly appropriate for:

  • 绘制数百点。
  • 测量无法访问的点,例如在繁忙的街道上,门后或危险区域(例如,在屋顶边缘上受到狗,有害公用事业的攻击的风险)。

图1 -Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK ROVER,同时测量栅栏上的点

  • Surveying points in places with GNSS signal obstruction (e.g. under a roof, balcony or tree).
  • 测量建筑物立面上的点(例如,窗户的拐角和屋顶的高度)。


  • Measuring additional points without the need to revisit the site.
  • 生成捕获对象的点云。

图3-由GS18 I捕获的图像组生成的点云

  • 库存的数量计算。
  • 捕获碰撞场景的图像以进行点测量。

Figure 4 - Capturing a crash scene

谁应该使用GS18 i?

GS18我是为需要轻松测量到具有挑战性的用户而设计的,这些要点是通过传统的GNSS RTK Rover到达。GS18 I是用户在现场收集大量数据的理想工具。用户可以稍后决定,哪些点在图像调查级准确性中进行测量。

How does the GS18 I work? (Measurement principle)

Let’s take the following video as an example.

用户想测量沟槽中的某些兴趣点。所有需要做的就是沿着沟渠行走,相机指向管道,而GS18我会自动捕获图像。GS18 I以2 Hz的速率捕获图像,以确保最佳图像重叠和几何形状。一旦停止捕获,图像将通过Captivate上运行的算法自动处理。处理捕获的图像后,可以将图像用于点测量。
During capture, GS18 I checks whether the position and tilt quality are sufficiently accurate. If not, the capturing is automatically stopped, but the images that were already captured are processed. In addition, GS18 I establishes a geometric connection between consecutive images by extracting features (distinctive points) from images.



Which software is needed to process captured images?

GS18 I is fully supported by Captivate software running on the CS20 LTE or BASIC controller or the CS35 tablet.


How can points be measured in images and which software is needed?

Points are measured from images within Captivate running on the CS20 LTE or BASIC controller or the CS35 tablet. Users can measure points in the field right after the images are captured.





视觉阿宝背后的基本原则是什么sitioning technology?

Visual Positioning technology is based on the information provided by the GNSS positions, the IMU and the captured images.

Figure 6 - Sensor fusion


要使用GS18 I测量点,请转到开始位置,开始以迷人的捕获捕获图像。现在走,握住GS18我的相机面向角落。图像将以2 Hz的频率自动捕获。停止捕获后,Captivate会自动通过将GNSS和IMU的数据与图像中识别的功能集成到全球坐标系中图像的位置和方向。然后将这些图像保存为Captivate中的图像组。



是的,使用GS18捕获的图像也可以在Infinity Office软件中使用以生成3D点云。

How does the GS18 I differ from GS18 T?

GS18 I是Leica Geosystems的GS传感器投资组合的新旗舰产品。它具有GS18 T的所有功能,并具有视觉定位技术的附加值。
Just like any other GS sensor, the GS18 I can use RTK corrections from all GNSS correction services. For optimal measurement performance with the GS18 I, we recommend using HxGN SmartNet, a GNSS correction service, that can be used with any GNSS device, and is constantly monitored for integrity, availability and accuracy.

Why should I invest in the Leica GS18 I?

Here's why the GS18 I can be of benefit for users:

  • GS18我是一个多才多艺的GNSS RTK sensor. It can be used to measure points with a levelled or tilted pole. In addition, it can be used to measure inaccessible points withsurvey grade accuracy通过捕获和测量的图像。
  • 无法访问的点很容易在图像中捕获而不会损害safety。无需担心如何在繁忙的街道上测量点数或与危险的狗的财产。
  • 通过有效捕获场景并稍后决定,减少现场时间。这会提高生产率,因为您可以测量现场或办公室中图像的点,也无需返回站点即可测量新的点。

What should a user consider when using the GS18 I?

视觉定位技术基于GNSS和IMU测量以及用集成摄像机捕获的图像。当使用GS18 I从图像中测量时,应该考虑一些条件:

  • GS18 I needs to have sufficient reception of GNSS signals for the duration of the measurement. If tracking of the GNSS satellites is lost, the capture will automatically stop.
  • 如果需要视觉定位,请避免在黑暗的条件下或直接面对太阳时使用它,因为捕获的图像中的足够特征将不容易识别以匹配它们。
  • For optimal accuracy and performance, capture the object of interest from a distance between 2m and 10m.

    When the images are captured from the distance lower than 2 m, the images can be blurred due to the fixed focus of the camera.On the other hand, when the images are captured from the distance bigger than 10 m, the accuracy decreases.

  • 可以从距物体小于2 m或大于10 m的距离捕获图像。在这种情况下,用户必须考虑到可以降低准确性。还有一种风险,即无法使用图像进行测量点。

  • 图像捕获速度已针对正常的步行速度进行了优化。由于图像可能会模糊,因此无法使用我安装在移动车辆上的GS18。


Leica Geosystems

了解更多有关Leica GS18 I, 请拜访:www.sendai-torema.com/GS18I

Leica GS18 I
GNSS RTK Rover with Visual Positioning

Online Learning

Leica Geosystemshas developed an online learning platform, to further educate customers to use the functionality of their instruments to the maximum.
Leica Geosystemshas developed an online learning platform, to further educate customers to use the functionality of their instruments to the maximum.

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