Nordby Maskin和Leica Geosystems之间的合作:所有人的双赢


Leica Geosystems为Nordby Maskin提供了总解决方案

作者:Eskil Bjørshol, Text: Native Media

挪威明尼苏达州的一个居民区的一个建设项目涉及建造三公里的水和吸收沟,90,000吨的土方和13,000平方米的沥青铺路。去年秋天,当他们订购了22台机器的硬件和软件的全面升级时,合作变得越来越近。诺德比·马斯金(Nordby Maskin)不后悔的决定!

-The close cooperation over the course of many years has built a huge confidence in Leica Geosystems as supplier to us. The way they operate when it comes to service and support gives us the impression of being an important customer. It’s the close cooperation that is vital for us to perform work fast and efficiently on construction projects, saysRuben Wattum,Nordby Maskin AS的项目工程师。

The combination of speed and efficiency is what is required for a project like this that takes place next to an area of 230 buildings. The machine control solutions just have to work.

——我们选择徕卡呈总吃晚饭plier, because they can deliver solutions for all machines, both backhoes, stakeout equipment for survey engineers, total stations, soil compactors, dozers etc.

-软件平台Leica MC1applies to all machine. I don’t know any other supplier with such a wide range of products, and it is worth a lot in a project like this, says Wattum.


满意是双向的。关键客户经理Kim-Alexander Bakken解释说,像Nordby Maskin这样的客户的反馈使我们的产品变得更好。bob综合app下载

- 我们是Nordby Maskin的机器控制产品的全部供应商,我们合作就软件开发了。bob综合app下载他们是世界上最早在其施工机上测试新软件的客户。这意味着我们会收到有关有效的方法以及需要改进的内容的快速反馈。Bakken说,信任和良好的对话使双方受益,并帮助他们提高生产力或他们的机器。

Connected solutions from Leica Geosystems delivered to Nordby Maskin

- 我不知道其他产品组合中具有这种深度的公司,诺德比·马斯金(Nordby Maskin)的项目工程师鲁本·沃图姆(Ruben Wattum)说。


Leica Geosystemsis a large supplier of machine control solutions, but that does not mean that they are difficult to get in contact with when needed or that you have to got through a large and impersonal customer care centre.

-We want to be present locally for the customers when they need us. Our goal is to offer the best solutions for our customers, also when it comes to service and support. We are a global company, yes, but we are also a solid company with local service workshops on several locations in Norway and service engineers on the road. We have service engineers all over Norway and a large support team available for phone support, at any time, Bakken continues.

每个人当然可以声称这一点,但是有帮助Karl Martin NordbyNordby Maskin的所有者和业务开发人员验证了陈述。

- 由于组织的规模和员工的能力,我们之所以选择Leica Geosystems。他们的产品组合的规模以及他们为我们需要的所有机器提供机器控制的事实。我们只需要与一位供应商打交道,这为我们节省了管理和支持的时间。Nannestad总部的Nordby解释说,这对我们来说很重要。


– At the same time as we are the total supplier of solutions to Nordby Maskin, we also cooperate on the development of the software. They are among the first customers in the world to test new software on their construction machines, says Kim-Alexander Bakken, Key Account Manager på Leica Geosystems.


Back in the harsh northern wind in Minnesund, the site is full of activity on the project that is planned to be finished this autumn. Stakeouts are made and a lot of excavation and earthmoving is taking place. Ruben Wattum explain that the project could not be done so efficiently without good planning and the help from connected solutions.

- 这实际上是一个完美的项目,以证明良好的机器控制解决方案的优势。我们首先是在数字平台上构建整个项目,以便所有道路和吸收trench都可以使用Trench型号。他说,它使构建速度更快,因为原则上的机器操作员可以直接构建所有内容。

Wattum himself has more than 10,000 hours of experience from working in an excavator and knows for a fact that the benefit of modern technology is a win-win for all parties.

- 当然,我们可以在没有机器控制的情况下完成此操作,但效率要差得多。通过Leica Geosystems提供的解决方案,并且在适当的培训中,它成为一个简单的选择。

- 我们在这样的项目上花费更少的时间,并吸收了水,客户节省了成本。他继续对环境产生较少的影响,因为我们在项目上花费了更少的时间。

明尼苏达州的战es中剩下的一件事是,Nordby Maskin并未从Leica Geosystems订购最后的产品。bob综合app下载


  • 诺德比·马斯金(Nordby Maskin)2D机器控制挖掘机自2004年以来(由Scanlaser/Mikrofyn现在提供Leica Geosystems)
  • 3D机器控制自2006年以来使用GNSS
  • 现场的模型主要由办公室中的工程师和建筑师准备,并不断通过CONX
  • 从早期设计阶段到交付最终的本期文档的80多个活跃项目。多亏了机器控制,这只能由现场的四名调查工程师完成。
  • 所有项目都包括用于生产和文档的3D/BIM模型。
  • Nordby Maskin has a little more than 200 employees.

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