
作者:Walter和Martin Pilhatsch,October2016

邦纳·穆斯特(BonnerMünster)(波恩大教堂)是德国最古老的教堂之一。波恩旧城中心的主要大教堂,教堂的现有结构可以追溯到13世纪。由于缺乏适当的结构文档,时间的破坏和不良的修复工作使他们的疤痕留在了这座历史悠久的建筑物上。除此之外,第二次世界大战中的空袭造成的严重损害,邦纳·穆斯特(BonnerMünster)处于令人震惊的状态,早就应该进行大规模翻新。决定致电位于德国波恩的Walter和Martin Pilhatsch的工程办公室,以收集和分析BonnerMünster教堂的数据。三代大地测量经验结合了3D激光扫描,无人机空中调查和照片数据分析的知识,使Pilhatsch测量团队成为这项复杂工作的最佳选择。使用Leica Scanstation P40和HDS7000,该团队可以在波恩市中心的心脏中心完成全面的3D扫描。


需要详细的3D激光扫描才能创建六个级别和12个不同建筑物部分的平面图。为了从项目的不同传感器中收集到这些数据,例如Leica Geosystems的ScanStation P40,MS50多站,TS15总站和无人驾驶飞机(UAV)需要有效链接。

Like a puzzle, the different data needed to fit together to build the model based on the geodetic network. Using precise TPS measurements from the TS15 and MS50, a basis for combining the scan data with the national coordinate system was created to become the foundation for this highly accurate geodetic network used to aid in the restoration of the church.

Height points were also connected to this network using the precision of a Leica DNA03 level. The actual surveying of the Bonner Münster was accomplished using a HDS7000 scanner and the latest ScanStation P40. The data of the façade’s towers and high roofs was collected using a UAV with a Sony a6000 camera. These acquired images were then adjusted and geometrically rectified so that the image proportions were not distorted.

Explore next chapter:第2部分

Story: Fitting together pieces of a puzzle
Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 2:第2部分


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