


Author:莫妮卡·米勒·罗杰斯(Monica Miller Rodgers)

如果您知道激光扫描,那么您还会知道注册和缝制扫描的头痛 - 精心花费小时以确保一切都适合获取站点的整个图片。Hexagon的GeoSystems部门最新的3D激光扫描仪使bob体育报道用Edge Computing,使这些痛苦成为过去的担忧。

新的Leica RTC360是光线(只有6公斤)和小型激光扫描仪,它们会自动记录从车站到车站到预注册扫描中的光线。这Reporter陆地激光扫描业务总监Juergen Mayer赶上了最新信息。

RTC360是GeoSystems 3D激光扫描线中的最新数据。您能给我们勺子关于新功能吗?

Leica RTC360是在高度挑战和复杂的现场条件下最大程度地生产力的最佳解决方案,在这种情况下,环境,准确性,可靠性和操作速度至关重要。RTC360针对短到中等扫描范围和高动力范围(HDR)应用进行调整,这些应用需要最高的准确性水平。它同样适合要求室内和室外应用。我们特别注意工作流自动化,质量检查的集成和实时完整性检查。结合Leica Cyclone寄存器360和Leica Cyclone Field 360激光扫描软件,高质量激光扫描数据的提供比以往任何时候都更快。

最近,我们听说了很多有关Edge Computing的信息。您能解释什么是边缘计算,RTC360如何使用它?

这RTC360 solution uses edge computing by streaming in real time scans and automatically processes the scan data to provide real-time quality control and data registration in the field.

Unlike cloud computing, edge computing does not hold critical data centrally. Instead, this new process allows data to be streamed to mobile devices, enabling quicker access and more efficient analysis of data. For our users, this means they can pre-register the scans in the field and provide on-site QA for significant time savings.

Who should use the RTC360?

这RTC360 was developed to make scanning accessible to professionals who need accurate data capture but may not be 3D data capture experts, yet. RTC360 solution is ideal for those working in plants, building construction and public safety.

What ROI are customers going to get out of this latest laser scanning innovation?


How does the RTC360 differ from other Leica ScanStations and the Leica BLK360?

Leica ScanStation P40是正确的解决方案,其中调查级工作流程至关重要,并且需要高度可靠的准确结果(遍历,目标测量,双轴补偿)。它也是全球最严峻的操作条件的正确扫描仪,尤其是在极端温度范围内。

Due to its superior measurement range, the Leica ScanStation P50 will also be the instrument of choice when covering larger areas.

这Leica BLK360 is ideal for relatively small-scale reality capture applications where images are as important as accurate 3D data. The BLK360, though suitable for outdoor operation, is optimised for indoor applications with short ranges and that require maximum portability in highly congested areas. Due to its simplicity, it easily can be adopted by users who are absolutely not familiar with scanning so far.

不同硅RTC360是可伸缩的解决方案zes of projects, from basic to complex. It meets the needs in between the ScanStations and BLK360, and provides its own class of solution for construction, plant and public safety.

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