Measuring GNSS accuracy using SAPOS RTK network


CLGE student Contest

作者:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

每年,欧洲大地测量委员会(CLGE)organises学生竞赛aimed at rewarding young people for their work in various surveying-related areas. This year, theCLGE学生竞赛于2017年9月27日在柏林的Intergeo授予。

The three categories awarded this year were:

  • Geodesy and Topography,

  • GIS, Mapping and Cadastre and

  • Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus.

Leica Geosystems had the pleasure to support the Geodesy and Topography Award.The awarding paper for this year’s category was: “一个investigation into the empirical accuracy of GNSS-NHN heights using SAPOS after the introduction of the GCG2016 as a component of the integrated geodetic spatial reference 2016”《 Vitaly Winter》(Vitaly Winter),德国波恩大学(University of Derman)的农业学院的大地测量和地理知识学生。该论文是一项本地和实用的研究,该研究显示了大地GNSS接收器对地astral和工程测量的机会和准确性。

Theresearch displays for the first time the achievable accuracy ofSAPOS HEPS(Network-rtk)引入了新的地理空间参考2016in a scientific investigation using Leica Geosystems GNSS equipment.

The goals and objectives of the investigation were:

  • To obtain an empirical accuracy value for GNSS-NHN-heights in a specific region

  • 比较目标和测量值

  • 得出准确性Quasigeoid model GCG2016使用Leica Geosystems GNSS接收器

  • Determine factors on which the accuracy of height measurement depends on.

ALeica GS16自学习GNSS智能天线Leica CS20 Field Controllerwere used to obtain normal heights by connecting with the network-RTK-service HEPS from the provider SAPOS. 138 official height markers in the Rhine-Sieg-county in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany were measured. The used data type collected included useful information on normal heights, ellipsoidal heights, undulation values, DOP values and measured positions (duration) in the standard Leica Viva format.

Leica Geosystems GNSS设备在实现调查的结论结果方面发挥了至关重要的作用。“ [Leica GS16和CS20场控制器]的硬件是可靠且方便的。最重要的是,可以对软件设置进行深入定制,以提高可靠性和工作流程。所选的设备必须接收各种卫星系统,例如GPS,Glonass,Galileo和Beidou,并进行快速稳定的通信,”said Winter.

调查测试的结果是卫星定位服务(SAPO)使用的网络RTK方法的精确定位。这些观察结果得出了使用Leica GeoSystems GNSS解决方案的高度准确性和精度。“GNSS-technologies are continuously improving so the results of my investigation can be used for comparisons to future investigations or to similar investigations in other regions,”结束了冬天。CLGE学生竞赛

右:单个控制点的观测值偏差,表明使用的设备和服务在有利条件下的精确性如何。左边:Deviations of the height-markers in the study area in a target-actual comparison.

CS20 and GS16

The Leica GS16 and CS20 Field Controller used attached to a height marker.

For more information about this study, visit:



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