Measuring GNSS accuracy using SAPOS RTK network


CLGE student Contest

Author:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

Every year,欧洲委员会an Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE)organises学生竞赛aimed at rewarding young people for their work in various surveying-related areas. This year, theCLGE学生竞赛was awarded at INTERGEO in Berlin on 27 September 2017.

The three categories awarded this year were:

  • Geodesy and Topography,

  • GIS, Mapping and Cadastre and

  • Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus.

Leica Geosystems had the pleasure to support the Geodesy and Topography Award.今年类别的授予论文是:“一个实证调查accuracy of GNSS-NHN heights using SAPOS after the introduction of the GCG2016 as a component of the integrated geodetic spatial reference 2016” by Vitaly Winter, Geodesy and Geoinformation student at the Faculty of Agriculture at University of Bonn, Germany. The awarded paper is a local and practical study which shows the opportunities and accuracy of geodetic GNSS receivers for cadastral and engineering surveying.

Theresearch displays for the first time the achievable accuracy ofSAPOS HEPS(Network-RTK) after the introduction of the new geospatial reference 2016in a scientific investigation using Leica Geosystems GNSS equipment.

The goals and objectives of the investigation were:

  • To obtain an empirical accuracy value for GNSS-NHN-heights in a specific region

  • Compare target and measured values

  • Derive the accuracy of theQuasigeoid model GCG2016使用Leica Geosystems GNSS接收器

  • Determine factors on which the accuracy of height measurement depends on.

ALeica GS16 Self-Learning GNSS Smart Antennaand aLeica CS20 Field Controller通过与提供商SAPOS的网络RTK服务HEP连接来获得正常高度。138衡量了德国北莱茵 - 韦斯特法里亚的莱茵 - 塞格县的官方高度标记。收集的使用的数据类型包括有关正常高度,椭圆形高度,起伏值,DOP值和测量位置(持续时间)的有用信息。

The Leica Geosystems GNSS equipment played a crucial role in achieving the conclusive results of the investigation.“ [Leica GS16和CS20场控制器]的硬件是可靠且方便的。最重要的是,可以对软件设置进行深入定制,以提高可靠性和工作流程。所选的设备必须接收各种卫星系统,例如GPS,Glonass,Galileo和Beidou,并进行快速稳定的通信,”said Winter.

The results of the investigation test the precise positioning of the Network RTK method used by the satellite positioning service (SAPOS). The observations concluded a high accuracy and precision of under one centimetre using Leica Geosystems GNSS solutions.“GNSS-technologies are continuously improving so the results of my investigation can be used for comparisons to future investigations or to similar investigations in other regions,”concluded Winter.CLGE Student Contest

Right: The deviation of observations at a single control point showing how accurate the used equipment and services work under favourable conditions. Left:Deviations of the height-markers in the study area in a target-actual comparison.

CS20 and GS16

The Leica GS16 and CS20 Field Controller used attached to a height marker.

For more information about this study, visit:


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