狮子旋风3D Point Cloud Processing Software

A total point cloud delivery solution

Leica Geosystems HDS Cyclone is the market leading point cloud processing software. It is a family of software modules that provides the widest set of work process options for 3D laser scanning projects in engineering, surveying, construction and related applications.

对于需要将点云数据添加到其流程中的组织,Leica Cyclone是唯一可以创建您需要的所有可交付成果的解决方案。与其他扫描提供商不同,我们的产品有效地满足了整个项目要求;这确保了组织的盈利能力。


有一些模块可以利用独特的Leica GeoSystems激光扫描仪现场数据收集操作,例如遍历,背景和切除率丰富的调查级收集和数据注册。这包括向导般的自动化例程,这些例程为用户以及最丰富的QA/QC和调查调整和分析工具提供了所有工作。

There are other modules dedicated to generating a vast array of deliverables from reports to maps and 3D models, movies/animations, and light weight 3D data formats that can be distributed freely over the web. These modules support a wide range of industries and workflows including civil engineering, as-built 3D models, topographic surveys, BIM models and much more.

Leica Cyclone由各个软件模块组成,可满足不同的需求和灵活的产品部署:

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