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Leica RTC360 3D Laser Scanner



The Leica RTC360 3D reality capture solution empowers users to document and capture their environments in 3D, improving efficiency and productivity in the field and in the office through fast, simple-to-use, accurate, and portable hardware and software. The RTC360 3D laser scanner is the solution for professionals to manage project complexities with accurate and reliable 3D representations and discover the possibilities of any site.

  • RTC360解决方案高度便携,高度自动化,直观且为最大生产率而设计,有效地将RTC360组合为高性能3D激光扫描仪,Leica Cyclone Field 360移动设备用于实时注册扫描和实时注册扫描的移动设备应用程序,并狮子旋风REGISTER 360office software to integrate your 3D model seamlessly into your workflow.
  • Capture scans, including enriching High-Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery, in less than two minutes.
  • 自动记录您从车站到车站的举动,以在没有手动干预的情况下预先注册扫描。
  • Augment your data capture with information tags illustrating the opportunities for better planning, reflect site reality, and boost your teams’ situational awareness.


The new Leica RTC360 laser scanner makes 3D reality capture faster than ever before. With a measuring rate of up to 2 million points per second and advanced HDR imaging system, the creation of coloured 3D point clouds can be completed in under two minutes. Plus, automated targetless field registration (based on VIS technology) and the seamless, automated transfer of data from site to office reduce time spent in the field and further maximise productivity.


小而轻巧,Leica RTC360扫描仪的便携式设计和可折叠的三脚架意味着它足够紧凑,足以适合大多数背包,可以随时随地带走。一旦现场,易于使用,一键操作就可以快速无忧的扫描。


低噪声数据支持better images, resulting in crisp, high-quality scans that are rich in detail and ready for use in a range of applications. Combined with Cyclone FIELD 360 software for automated registration in the field, the Leica RTC360 scanner offers outstanding precision that can be checked on-site.

Pre-registraton in the field

作为RTC360解决方案的一部分,Cyclone Field 360应用程序将现场的3D数据采集与激光扫描仪和旋风寄存器中的办公室中的数据注册链接在一起。数据。用户界面将复杂计算的简单处理与图形用户指南相结合,该指导为新手用户提供了非凡的用户体验。




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