
作者:Renata BarradasGutiérrez


Sertogal SL使用Leica Geosystems的激光扫描解决方案来创建BIM模型,该模型将指导Mera在西班牙Ourense省的电气变电站的重塑和扩展。该项目是一项雄心勃勃的倡议的一部分,该计划将部分吸收17个新风电场产生的能源生产计划在该地区。

激光扫描 - 完整模型的基础

To plan the remodeling and expansion of the substation, the first step was to measure its distances, angles and areas, with millimetric accuracy. Sertogal SL captured the substation with the Leica ScanStation C10 and georeferenced the point cloud obtained with the Leica Viva GNSS technology.

“We have worked for a long time with a wide range of Leica Geosystems equipment due to its greatreliability and precision。这C10扫描仪也不例外 - 可以easily adaptedto scan buildings, substations or electrical high-tension towers,”said Sergio Rodríguez, technical industrial engineer at Sertogal SL。“激光扫描仪使我们能够捕获变电站,而无需进入有风险的危险高压区域。”

“The great precision and缺乏噪音在生成的点云中,我们可以在具有金属元素和网格的复杂结构中工作,以获取成为现实的真实表示的BIM模型,”罗德里格斯说。

点云的后期处理,建模和管理狮子旋风,市场领导者点云处理软件。从变电站中的丰富的积分云数据导入到Autodesk Revit以创建BIM模型,并且使用Autodesk NavisWorks将元素插入和分类为BIM模型。


从变电站的点云中获得的3D智能AS构建的模型Sertogal SL:

  • Gathered the existing conditions
  • 测量距离
  • 分析了该网站

This created the preliminary plans for the substation and the surrounding environment.

“获得的大量数据使得a very accurate modelling of the elements and structures是变电站的一部分,”Sertogal SL的BIM专家BrunoSánchezUcha说。

这delivered BIM model of the substation allows stakeholders to take a digital tour that offers a complete outlook of the captured reality plus the visualisation of its different parts and elements with linked information.

Wires, tubes, isolators, circuit breakers and so forth, were embedded as intelligent elements and grouped in systems. This enables all parties involved in the remodeling to review how the projected substation developments will look like and how changes will transform the current space.

This intelligent model-based design process will help to start the renovations and manage operations in the future, and will以精确和更有生产力的方式驱动工作流程

BIM - 必备


对BIM项目的需求不断上升,这使Sertogal SL有机会将自己定位为西班牙先驱,为几个维护和翻新项目提供BIM服务。


  • Reduce project duration and cycle timeof specific workflows.
  • 加强协作与协调在项目的每个阶段。
  • Reduce errors并具有准确的文档。
  • 创建新业务by offering new services.
  • Increase profit, and reduce construction costs and waste.

专业人士必须配备激光扫描仪,该激光扫描仪可提供出色的精度,速率,速度和数据质量以创建BIM模型。Leica Geosystems激光扫描技术有助于创建这样的模型,以提供正确的见解,以便管理人员可以理解风险并做出明智的决定,尽管时间限制了。

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