Pulling artifacts from the jungle using Full Waveform LiDAR

Author:Penny Boviatsou






  • The Khmer Archaeology LiDAR Consortium (KALC) in April 2012 and the
  • 柬埔寨考古LiDar倡议(CALI)于2015年4月决定扩展到高棉历史和考古学的传统方法之外的观点。

这两个项目均由PT Map Map Tiga Interalsioniation(PTMI-以前是McElhanney Indonesia)的FranciscoGonçalves和Chris Cromarty设计,这是一家位于雅加达的公司,可提供空中地图和调​​查专业知识。

The premise for the projects was that LiDAR could provide key information hiding under tree canopy, needed to fully assess the extent and impact of the Khmer civilisation in Southeast Asia, particularly in Cambodia. To accomplish the goals, several meetings tool place between Francisco Goncalves, Professor Roland Fletcher and Dr. Damian Evans. These allowed PTMI to understand the landscape and vegetation challenges, site visits were also planned prior to acquisition.

PTMI购买了Leica Geosystems的LiDAR和数字航空摄影传感器,为研究人员提供高分辨率的空中图像以及高密度地面LIDAR指向考古学家,同时扫描柬埔寨丛林。

The first findings came in 2012 when the company worked closely with Dr. Damian Evans and the Consortium’s associates. By flying a helicopter mounted with a POD carrying, a Leica LiDAR scanner equipped with waveform data capture and a Leica digital aerial camera, PTMI gathered data that confirmed the existence of Mahedraparvata, an ancient temple city whose existence had been known for decades.


LiDAR generated maps revealed multiple medieval cities hidden on the forest floor and upended what we knew about the lived-in spaces around Angkor and other temple complexes across Cambodia,” said Dr Damian Evans. “The vegetation was obscuring these monumental sites. The LiDAR technology allowed us to see through the vegetation。”


In 2015, PTMI covered 1600 square km with the goal to deliver the Cambodia Archaeology LiDAR Initiative, the finest and most complete data coverage of their areas of interest, and provide an opening for future archaeology LiDAR investigation. At the planning stages of the project, PTMI spent approximately a year discussing approaches to the LiDAR and Digital Air Photo (DAP) acquisition.

弗朗西斯科·冈萨(FranciscoGonçalves)和克里斯·克罗马蒂(Chris Chromarty)步行了计划进行激光雷达和DAP采购的区域,并研究了树木覆盖下的地形和植被,以及激光雷达可能检测到的考古特征的类型。

“考古学使我着迷”says Francisco Gonçalves, President Director at PTMI.“隐藏了什么秘密,我们的祖先在其中建造了城市以及为什么放弃了城市。通过Leica Geosystems技术穿透柬埔寨丛林,我们能够获取LiDar Point数据,这些数据不仅揭示了土地景观的结构,还可以揭示结构,道路,运河,结构基础和农业露台。”

PTMI used Leica Geosystems’s LiDAR mapping systems to scan the Cambodian jungle. The company collected data with LiDAR technology that penetrated the dense Cambodian forests and thick vegetation, gathering information about the soil’s surface and terrain elevation that enabled archaeologists to find traces of extensive networks around Angkor. Digital aerial photography was simultaneously collected with the LiDAR data.

罗兰·弗莱彻(Roland Fletcher)教授说:“几个世纪以来,农业领域和其他建筑物一直被种植树木藏起来,但激光雷达技术正在改变我们对世界的看法。”“最近被森林砍伐的土地案件挑战了古森林是'原始生态系统'的理论,人们塑造了森林所在的景观数千年。”

所有LIDAR数据均使用安装在柬埔寨的AS350 B2直升机(Helistar)中的POD获取,然后使用配备配备DataPort可移动驱动器的处理站进行了调整和处理,PTMI调整和处理处理中心。PTMI计划了数据采集,调整了空气图像,并将激光雷达分为地面和非地点。所有结果都交付给了卡利,埃文斯和他的团队能够准备考古分析。

LIDAR - 考古学的新工具





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