

Airborne CCP

作为可靠的业务合作伙伴,Leica Geosystems提供了专门为空降解决方案客户设计的广泛客户服务软件包。这些包装提供了访问国际空降客户支持网络和MyWorld客户门户用于知识转移。我们的熟练和经验丰富的工程师和服务技术人员团队致力于帮助您完成截止日期并减少停机时间。

  • 您的网站人员和我们的支持团队之间的简单快速沟通
  • Well maintained and up-to-date products and software
  • 员工培训和支持
  • 我们将满足您需求的合作伙伴关系


获得最大的投资回报with our range of CCPs specifically designed to meet the needs of airborne systems customers. A CCP gives you immediate access to our global network of support engineers alongside many further benefits.

Technical services
The wide range of technical services including on-site support, technical support, repairs, preventative maintenance and calibration are carried out by a team of experts. They will ensure your products are ready when and where you need them.

  • 硬件维护- Preventative maintenance carried out regularly by experienced technicians
  • Software maintenance- 从客户门户下载软件升级,改进和新功能
  • 客户支持- Access a network of support engineers by phone or online
  • 延长保修- 第一年的保修等于银CCP,可以通过购买新的CCP来扩展
  • 本地利益- Each sales office enhances the CCP with local resources, delivery networks and local language

我的世界is Leica Geosystems' customer portal where you can access a world of knowledge. The platform provides instant product information that helps you keep your equipment and software up to date. The portal ensuring best performance and productivity.

  • 查看详细的产品信息
  • 保持最新文档的最新状态
  • 轻松执行自动在线软件更新
  • 查看产品的完整服务历史bob综合app下载
  • 可以立即访问当前服务案例的状态
  • Create support requests online that are promptly answered by skilled professionals


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