


作为可靠的业务合作伙伴,Leica Geosystems提供了专门为空降解决方案客户设计的广泛客户服务软件包。这些包装提供了访问国际空降客户支持网络和MyWorld客户门户for knowledge transfer. Our team of skilled and experienced support engineers and service technicians is committed to help you meet your deadlines and reduce your downtime.

  • Easy and fast communication between your site personnel and our support team
  • 维护良好,最新产品和软件bob综合app下载
  • 员工培训和支持
  • A partnership where we will address your needs

机载客户服务是一项全面的全球服务,不仅使我们全天候为您提供支持,而且可以保持近距离并为未来计划创新的解决方案。It's our commitment to your success.

Customer Care Packages (CCP)

Technical services
The wide range of technical services including on-site support, technical support, repairs, preventative maintenance and calibration are carried out by a team of experts. They will ensure your products are ready when and where you need them.

  • 硬件维护- Preventative maintenance carried out regularly by experienced technicians
  • 软件维护- Download software upgrades, improvements and new features from the customer portal
  • 客户支持- Access a network of support engineers by phone or online
  • Extended warranty- 第一年的保修等于银CCP,可以通过购买新的CCP来扩展
  • Local benefits- Each sales office enhances the CCP with local resources, delivery networks and local language

我的世界is Leica Geosystems' customer portal where you can access a world of knowledge. The platform provides instant product information that helps you keep your equipment and software up to date. The portal ensuring best performance and productivity.

  • 查看详细的产品信息
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest documentation
  • 轻松执行自动在线软件更新
  • 查看产品的完整服务历史bob综合app下载
  • Have instant access to status of current service cases
  • 创建支持请求在线,及时nswered by skilled professionals


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Myworld Bietet Kunden和Partnern Eine Breite Palette A An Services,信息和Schulungsmaterial。

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Hier Finden sie ihren ansprechpartnerfürvertrieb,支持und technischen服务。