
Case Study


作者:Cornelia Dietz

Schmid Metallbau于1993年成立于1993年的经典金属研讨会,如今在金属加工,不锈钢加工和金属结构领域提供完美的产品和解决方案。bob综合app下载为了在大型建筑工地或商业和工业建筑物上为客户提供服务,总共15名员工专注于金属建筑和设计,高质量的工作以及对细节的高度关注至关重要。

In the spring of 2017, the company was given an exciting new project – to design and construct an outward-facing railing for a newly-built helipad on the rooftop of a hospital in Ravensburg, Germany. To install the helipad’s built-in components, the railing was positioned along the edge of the structure in a circular way. To avoid all pre-installed components facing different directions and twisted or tilted, each individual holder was required to be measured and modelled individually.



"It’s just like when you can’t close your belt anymore because you’ve gone past the widest hole,"Schmid Metallbau的Markus Schmid所有者说。

除了to the outward facing railing, a steel net was installed. In a worst-case scenario, the net must withstand catching a falling helicopter.


Schmid Metallbau decided to visit the BAU exhibition in Munich, Germany, with the goal of finding a solution to these complex 3D measurement needs. The company found the 3D DISTO and approached a colleague who already owned the product. After listening to the colleague’s positive feedback and receiving a more detailed explanation of the product, the firm ordered the 3D DISTO right away.

The high-precision survey was taken from one position only using the 3D DISTO with the aid of an adapter plate mounted on site. The company designed a simple target plate where foremen could mount the tilted, pre-installed, outward facing components of the railing. The 3D DISTO was set up in the centre of the helipad so it couldmeasure all 54 structural components at once。重新定位3D散发器仅与三点方法一致两次后,测量很快就完成了,所有数据均为转移到CAD

A cross between a surveyor’s robotic total station and a handheld DISTO


“Data transfer is easy and straightforward, so you can start working straight away with the captured measurement data,”施密德说。"As the person responsible for implementation, I want to be certain that the data is transferred one-to-one into CAD. The measured points are clearly transferred into CAD making easier the preparation of the work and making sure each piece will fit.”

In upcoming projects, Metallbau Schmid already sees many different use cases for its new 3D DISTO, from the installation of glass, metal cladding of outward facing staircases to staircase shape, height and depth.


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