
Video Case Study

Power plant laser scan

Author:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

Power plant stations need the latest maintenance, safety and documentation to ensure the generation of electric power. Given their importance, power stations, nor the users dependant on their energy supply, can afford delays or malfunctions.

pt。PT PLN的子公司印度尼西亚Power是印度尼西亚的一家领先的发电公司,总安装容量为8,935.86兆瓦。公司工程师需要capture two generator unitsfrom the Suralaya Power Station to modernise and maintain them.

根据印度尼西亚Power提供的参考条款,Digiscript Philippines,Inc。是3D数字现实捕获解决方案的领先服务提供商bob综合app赌博visualise, measure and manage the built-in environment of the two generator units in 3D。the comprehensive dimensional data was captured using a Leica Geosystems 3D ScanStation and registered usingLeica Cyclone Processing Software。所有提供的数据将指导两个发电机单元的维护和设计工作。

激光扫描是一个伟大的工具来更快的文档the as-built conditions for any environment helping to manage existing systems during the design, construction and maintenance cycles. Plant documentation of the existing structures using 3D models enables engineers and surveyors to:

  • Create valuable models for planning, fabrication, and clash detection when integrating new equipment

  • Minimize plant maintenance and field work rework and delays

  • Find equipment failures or malfunctions

  • 保证安装符合安全法规,以降低风险和成本

  • Recognise breakdowns to support insurance claims

  • Plan more efficient plant layouts with verified measurements for maintenance or virtual fit ups

BIM & CAD deliverables for restricted environments

Power plant laser scan


Digiscript Laser扫描了两个发电机,以获取准确的尺寸数据以提供以下可交付成果:

  • 3D CAD models of the stator and rotor of both generators

  • 2D drawings for engineering development reference

  • Reports from the results of data processing

“高清测量(HDS)是一种3D数据捕获方法,优于传统的临时调查,因为其完整性较高,准确性和更快的3D AS构建数据可用性,”said Ronald Sampayan, country manager of Digiscript in Indonesia.

“我们的Leica Geosystems扫描仪通过视线来工作,并捕获否则难以触及或无法安全访问的表面和点。我们的设备使我们每秒最多可捕获50,000个调查测量值,最高范围为300米。我们的扫描仪的准确性可以保证+/- 2mm。”


  • numbers

  • geometrical shapes

  • arrangement and dimensions of the rotor winding and the stator winding.

“The registered point cloud with assigned properties, tagged elements and all measurement data our team created serves as a reference documentation for the plant managers for reverse engineering services, maintenance and retrofits,”Sampayan说。

From point clouds to TruViews in just two weeks

Power plant laser scan

Using other traditional methods, the survey would have taken more than 80 days to complete. Using Leica Geosystems HDS solutions, Digiscript conducted the survey in two days each for each generator. The final deliverables were ready in just 20 days.

to得到最准确的结果,团队placed numbered black and white targets around the stator and rotor to facilitate the registration process of the scans and stitch together the point cloud. Digiscript set up their Leica ScanStation from multiple vantage points using high and low tripod set-ups to capture as many areas as possible.

建立目标后,所有组件都完成了68和41个扫描位置,分别为发电机3和1收集的数据分别为40和20千兆字节的数据。所有扫描均使用Leica Cyclone软件注册为生成并提取发电机的定子和转子的原模型和3D固体模型

360° panoramic photographs were taken at every scan location to render true colour to the point cloud laser scan measurement data. Each survey point of the data does not only has precise measurement survey coordinates, but also a每个坐标的真实颜色值。these full colour interactive panoramic images were incorporated in Leica TruView software to create a3D interactive walkthrough of the stator frame, rotor, and underside sections of both generators

Digitalising power plant facilities

Power plant laser scan

就像Digisript提供的数字化方法一样,数字化方法是通过对齐人员,流程和技术来推动发电厂有效转型的关键。交付的图纸,3D固体模型和演练视频提供了一个accurate smooth map of the generators to provide safe and affordable power。Volume calculations and additional measurements were done by Digiscript without the need to revisit the site.


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