数字ly managing power plant assets

Video Case Study


Author:Renata BarradasGutiérrez


PT. Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of PT PLN, is a leading power generating company in Indonesia with a total installed capacity of 8,935.86 MW. Company engineers needed tocapture two generator units从Suralaya发电站进行现代化和维护它们。

Based on the Terms of Reference provided by Indonesia Power, Digiscript Philippines, Inc., a leading service provider for 3D digital reality capture solutions, helped the electric power company to在3D中可视化,测量和管理两个发电机单元的内置环境。使用Leica Geosystems 3D扫描仪捕获了综合维度数据,并使用Leica Cyclone处理软件。All data provided will guide any maintenance and design work for the two generator units.

Laser scanning is a great tool to faster document the as-built conditions for any environment helping to manage existing systems during the design, construction and maintenance cycles. Plant documentation of the existing structures using 3D models enables engineers and surveyors to:

  • Create valuable models for planning, fabrication, and clash detection when integrating new equipment

  • 最大程度地减少植物维护和现场工作返工和延迟

  • 查找设备故障或故障

  • Guarantee installations comply with safety regulations reducing risks and costs

  • 识别崩溃以支持保险索赔

  • Plan more efficient plant layouts with verified measurements for maintenance or virtual fit ups

BIM & CAD deliverables for restricted environments


Were access is restricted and areas are unsafe, laser scanning is the best solution to capture with detailed precision the as-built data form a safe distance. Unlike conventional methods, that capture specific individual points one at the time, laser scanning captures millions of points per second with rich details of the entire scene, just like a camera taking a 360-degree photo, but with an accurate position for every pixel.

Digiscript laser scanned two power generators to acquire accurate dimensional data to provide the following deliverables:

  • 3D CAD models of the stator and rotor of both generators

  • 工程开发参考的2D图纸

  • Reports from the results of data processing

“High-Definition Surveying (HDS)is a 3D data capture method superior to conventional as-built surveys due to its higher level of completeness, better accuracy, and quicker availability of 3D as-built data,”印度尼西亚Digisistion国家经理Ronald Sampayan说。

“Our Leica Geosystems ScanStation works through line of sight and captures surfaces and points that are otherwise hard to reach or that may not be safe to access. Our equipment allowed us to capture up to 50,000 survey measurements per second and up to a maximum range of 300 metres. The accuracy of our ScanStation can be guaranteed up to +/- 2mm.”

Digiscript was also required to add measurement details for two generator units, including:

  • 数字

  • 几何形状

  • 转子绕组的排列和维度d the stator winding.

“The registered point cloud with assigned properties, tagged elements and all measurement data our team created serves as a reference documentation for the plant managers for reverse engineering services, maintenance and retrofits,”said Sampayan.



使用其他传统方法,该调查将花费80天以上的时间完成。使用Leica Geosystems HDS解决方案,Digiscript在两天内为每个发电机进行了调查。最终的可交付成果在短短20天内就可以准备好了。


Once the targets were set up, all the components were completed with 68 and 41 scan locations with approximately 40 and 20 gigabytes of data gathered respectively for generators 3 and 1. All scans were registered using Leica Cyclone software togenerate and extract the as-built drawings and 3D solid models of the stator and rotor of the generator

在每个扫描位置拍摄了360°全景照片,以使点云激光扫描测量数据具有真实的颜色。数据的每个调查点不仅具有精确的测量调查坐标,而且还具有true colour value for each coordinate。These full colour interactive panoramic images were incorporated in Leica TruView software to create a3D interactive walkthrough of the stator frame, rotor, and underside sections of both generators

数字ising power plant facilities


数字isation approaches, just like the one provided by Digiscript, are the key to drive effective transformation in the power plant by aligning people, processes and technology. The drawings, 3D solid models, and walkthrough videos delivered provide anaccurate smooth map of the generators to provide safe and affordable power。Volume calculations and additional measurements were done by Digiscript without the need to revisit the site.


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