Leica Cyclone ENTERPRISE – Your Central Source of Truth

Enterprise-level management and collaboration

Leica Cyclone ENTERPRISEis a new, user managed, reality capture software solution which delivers a simplified enterprise-level management and collaboration platform, powered by Leica Geosystems’ JetStream technology. Addressing the needs of reality capture professionals across a variety of industries, Cyclone ENTERPRISE is a central tool for managing, collaborating and accessing reality capture projects to view, share and analyse rich data via徕卡TruView生活- a new free web-browser based viewer. Cyclone ENTERPRISE offers seamless digital interoperability with all major CAD platforms throughLeica Cloudworx连接性和由Jetstream Technology提供支持的产bob综合app下载品家族。

Cyclone ENTERPRISE is a unique software product that provides a centralised project and user management toolset, browser and desktop collaboration engine, and connectivity to all the most popular CAD applications. It is the only solution on the market that can seamlessly stream reality capture data and provide the option to connect to the local, central or cloud-hosted server and stream the same data into a browser or into all major CAD applications such as:

  • Autodesk产品的CloudWorxbob综合app下载
  • Bentley的Cloudworx
  • CloudWorx for BricsCAD
  • Solidworks的CloudWorx
  • Rithm powered by JetStream
  • Verity powered by JetStream and many more!

It facilitates reality capture project management; provides access to rich, reality capture data and ensures secure, flexible, self-managed deployment on-premise or in the cloud.

用户是分析现实捕获数据以通过Leica CloudWorbob综合app赌博x在CAD包中生产可交付成果,还是通过集成的3D数据传达工作订单和项目可交付成果TruView观众,Cyclone Enterprise使用户能够充分利用Leica Geosystey的Connected Reality Checture Capture Ecosystem,bob综合app赌博以作为所有产品的数据源。bob综合app下载Cyclone Enterprise允许用户访问所有项目数据,无论是在Cyclone FIELD 360,BLK3Dimagery, GeoTags and Assets from theCyclonefamily of products or Snapshots, Markups and Models being added from downstream sources like CloudWorx and TruView. This next-generation project management hub features robust user and project controls and complete deployment flexibility to ensure data is secure yet easily accessible.

Cyclone ENTERPRISE provides and delivers:

  • A single source of truth for users across the project lifecycle
  • 具有托管权限的内部或外部用户对项目的安全访问
  • A flexible deployment model compatible with both on-site and cloud-based systems to accommodate unique security requirements
  • Seamless digital interoperability with all major CAD platforms through Leica CloudWorx connectivity and the Leica Geosystems powered by JetStream product family
  • Access to full reality capture projects through a free desktop and web-based viewer

Improving efficiency and productivity

Cyclone Enterprise通过消除有关数据完整性的混乱和问题来提高用户效率和生产率。它简化了数据管理,以消除可能导致错误和浪费时间的大型项目的冗余副本的创建和重复。通过从中央数据存储中工作,用户可以确信他们正在查看或创建可交付成果的数据是正确和批准的版本,并且他们的更改已同步到项目,以便其他用户可以访问最新版本。改进的数据安全性使项目经理能够有效地控制访问权限,而无需向不同的用户发送文件,这些用户可以享有自己的生命。多亏了Cyclone Enterprise,用户可以共享数十个程序的项目和更改,而无需创建不同或重复的文件。Cyclone Enterprise将连接到20多个由Leica Geosystems和合作伙伴的Jetstream产品供电,包bob综合app下载括AutoCAD,Revit,Microstation,OpenBuildings Designer,Soliworks,Soliworks,PDMS,Bricscad,Cyclcad,Cyclone 3dr,Map360,Verity,Verity等。


与市场上的其他基于SaaS的产品(限制客户对其安全性和性能的控制权)不同,Cyclone Enterprise是客户部署的,使客户能够在本地和基于云的部署方案中适应独特的安全性和性能要求。

Cyclone ENTERPRISE can be used by any organisation that wants to take control of their reality capture data for collaboration and deliverable creation. It is suitable for engineering consultants, facility owner/operators and surveying and reality capture service providers.

工程公司协调了数十种分包商的工作,并需要一种解决方案,使团队的工作促进交流,以及2D和3D可交付的创建。Cyclone Enterprise提供了一个核心的真理来源,因此所有交易都对其可交付成果的准确性充满信心。

Facility owner/operators value security above all. Cyclone ENTERPRISE offers a self-deployed solution compatible with both on-premise and cloud-based usage for flexibility that meets their unique security needs, plus a range of user and project permission tools to instantly provide or revoke access as needed.

测量和现实捕获服务提供商有数bob综合app赌博十个项目,许多不同的客户需要保持安全和机密。Cyclone Enterprise允许他们为组中的不同客户散发数据,并在小组,子组或项目级别提供粒状访问,以便其客户可以安全地访问它。


气旋企业发展飞跃forward in the simplicity of our software solution offering and user experience, creating a single source of truth for deliverable creation and collaboration. It is a powerful solution for anyone working with large reality capture projects, providing security, accessibility and flexibility in data delivery.

The future of Cyclone ENTERPRISE is full of major new capabilities that will empower entire new workflows, especially for off-line and long-term project management and synchronicity. We will continue to improve enterprise-level needs, with connectivity to domain directories and more - further fortifying the user management and data security offering.

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Senior Product Manager
Reality Capture Division

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A smarter way to view the world

In a world of fast changing technologies and visualisation there has never been a better way to interact, measure and share environments than with Leica Cyclone.