Leica Cyclone Enterprise - 您的核心真理来源


Leica Cyclone Enterprise是一种新的,用户管理的现实捕获软件解决方案,可提bob综合app赌博供由Leica Geosystems的Jetstream Technology提供支持的简化企业级管理和协作平台。满足现实捕获专业人士的需求,Cyclone Enbob综合app赌博terprise是管理,协作和访问现实捕获项目以查看,共享和分析丰富数据的核心工具Leica Truview Live- 一个新的基于Web浏览器的新免费查看器。Cyclone Enterprise通过所有主要CAD平台提供无缝的数字互操作性Leica CloudWorxconnectivity and the family of products powered by JetStream technology.

Cyclone Enterprise是一种独特的软件产品,可提供集中式项目和用户管理工具集,浏览器和桌面协作引擎,以及与所有最受欢迎的CAD应用程序的连接。它是市场上唯一可以无缝流捕获数据并提供连接到本地,中央或云托管服务器并将相同数据传输到浏览器或所有主要CAD应用程序的选项,例如:bob综合app赌博

  • CloudWorx for Autodesk products
  • CloudWorx for Bentley
  • Bronscad的CloudWorx
  • CloudWorx for SOLIDWORKS
  • rithm由Jetstream提供动力
  • Verity由Jetstream提供动力,还有更多!


Whether users are analysing reality capture data to produce deliverables in a CAD package through Leica CloudWorx, or communicating work orders and project deliverables through 3D data in the integratedtruviewviewers, Cyclone ENTERPRISE empowers users to make the most of Leica Geosystems’ connected reality capture ecosystem by serving as a central source of data for all products. Cyclone ENTERPRISE allows users to access all project data whether that be GeoTags created in旋风场360,,,,blk3d图像,地理标签和资产Cyclone来自CloudWorbob综合app下载x和Truview等下游来源添加的产品或快照,标记和模型。该下一代项目管理集线器具有强大的用户和项目控件以及完整的部署灵活性,以确保数据安全而易于访问。

Cyclone Enterprise提供并提供:

  • 整个项目生命周期中用户的真实来源
  • Secure access to projects by internal or external users, with managed permissions
  • 灵活的部署模型与现场和基于云的系统兼容,以适应独特的安全要求
  • 通过Leica CloudWorx连接和由Jetstream产品家族提供动力的Leica CloudWorx连接和Leica Geosystems,与所有主要CAD平台的无缝数字互操作性
  • 通过免费的桌面和基于Web的查bob综合app赌博看器访问完整的现实捕获项目


Cyclone ENTERPRISE improves user efficiency and productivity by eliminating confusion and questions about data integrity. It streamlines data management to eliminate the creation and duplication of redundant copies of large projects which can cause mistakes and waste time. By working from a central data store, users gain confidence that the data they are viewing or creating deliverables from is the correct and approved version and that their changes are being synced back to the project so other users can access the latest version. Improved data security allows project managers to efficiently control access without sending files to different users which can take on a life of their own. Thanks to Cyclone ENTERPRISE, users can share projects and changes across dozens of programmes without creating different or duplicate files. Cyclone ENTERPRISE will connect to over 20 powered by JetStream products from Leica Geosystems and partners including AutoCAD, Revit, MicroStation, OpenBuildings Designer, SOLIWORKS, PDMS, BricsCAD, Cyclone 3DR, Map360, Verity and more.

Why should I invest?

与市场上的其他基于SaaS的产品(限制客户对其安全性和性能的控制权)不同,Cyclone Enterprise是客户部署的,使客户能够在本地和基于云的部署方案中适应独特的安全性和性能要求。

任何想要控制其现实捕获数据进行协作和可交付的创建的组织都可以使用Cyclone Enterprise。bob综合app赌博它适用于工程顾问,设施所有者/运营商以及测量人员以及现实捕获服务提供商。bob综合app赌博

工程firms coordinate the work of dozens of sub-contractors and need a solution that centralises the work of their teams to facilitate communication, and 2D and 3D deliverable creation. Cyclone ENTERPRISE provides a central source of truth so all trades have confidence in the accuracy of their deliverables.

设施所有者/运营商最重要的是价值安全性。Cyclone Enterprise提供了一种自动驱动的解决方案,与基于本地和基于云的使用量兼容,以满足其独特的安全需求,以及一系列用户和项目许可工具,可根据需要立即提供或撤销访问权限。

Surveying and reality capture service providers have dozens of projects with many different clients which need to remain secure and confidential. Cyclone ENTERPRISE allows them to silo data for different clients within Groups and provide granular access at the Group, Sub-Group or project level so their clients can access it securely.


开发了Cyclone Enterprise是为了在我们的软件解决方案提供和用户体验的简单性方面取得了长足的发展,从而为可交付的创建和协作创造了一个真实的来源。对于从事大型现实捕获项目的任何人来说,它是一个有力的解决方案,可以在数据传输中提供安全性,可访问性和灵活性。bob综合app赌博

Cyclone Enterprise的未来充满了主要的新功能,可以增强整个新工作流程的能力,尤其是在离线和长期项目管理和同步性方面。我们将继续提高企业级别的需求,以及与域目录的连接性等等 - 进一步加强用户管理和数据安全性。




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