The lower, the safer

Chapter 3: Safer and faster with laser scanning

The lower, the safer
Safer and faster with laser scanning
Using the Leica ScanStation C10, the procedure consists of pulling the laser scanner inside the stope using mechanical arms, small trucks, forklifts or even wheelbarrows. This places the operator safely out of harm’s way at the end of the gallery.

Using a Leica CS15 controller to remotely operate the wireless enabled ScanStation, a set of targets are also collected and coordinated to the mine coordinate systems with a Leica TS06 total station. A few minutes later, the data is processed in Leica Cyclone REGISTER software. The stope is then modeled within seconds in 3DReshaper.

With laser scanning,a time savings of up to 7 hours,与以前的传统调查技术相比。尽管以前处理阶梯调查可能需要长达8个小时,但矿工现在可以提取它不到1小时using Cyclone, 3DReshaper and other Leica Geosystems software solutions.

Anglogold Ashanti主管RavelJúlioDaFonseca说:“利卡扫描仪不仅提高了安全性的安全性,而且还提高了生产力并为我们节省了大量时间。”“我们的团队可以调查更多地点,从而优化矿石提取和矿山对帐。画廊上的细节水平是如此之高,以至于可以发现露头矿石和电缆,不仅使调查团队受益,而且使摇滚力学团队受益于其现场项目分析和布局。”

More importantly, though, this technology enables the mine to reach its top priority –安全



第2章:A risky survey
Chapter 3: Safer and faster with laser scanning

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