

作者:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

Archaeologists measure what we treasure to study and preserve our heritage. Geospatial and measurement technologies have improved methods to generate permanent records where we can thoroughly document, study and access information.



这个跨学科实验室正在使用非侵入性技术解决方案来创新考古学collect Motya’s spatial data onsite, including GNSS, photogrammetry, laser scanning and orthorectified airborne imagery


来自拉丁语,medius‘middle’ andterra‘land’, the Mediterranean Sea, as in the original sense, is the "sea in the middle of the earth.” Intersecting at the pass between the East to the West, the 850-metre long Mediterranean island of Motya holds the key to many ancient history secrets of the region. This Sicilian island is, therefore, a strategic point to study the history, exchange, trade and cultural mixing that converged in this area, the bottle-neck of the “Middle Sea.”


Led by Prof. Lorenzo Nigro, experts from Sapienza University have studied for years, together with the Superintendence of Trapani and with the support of Whitaker Foundation, Palermo, this unique archaeological site to make accurate assumptions on the people, cultures and civilisations that intersected in the island. Based on the ruins and remains that have been unveiled, producing遇到和逃脱眼睛的地图和3D模型is helping the team to better understand and share the past of this region.

Blending technologies to document cultural heritage

Motya 3D模型飞行员项目创建了考古发现和挖掘地点的3D模型支持考古研究,无论是在现场还是在办公室。这项调查运动的具体目标是创建整个Motya岛的第一个完整的3D模型和六个相关考古区域的3D模型。

大多数调查操作是限时的;在考古学中,这也不例外。为了生成准确的3D模型并迅速捕获调查数据,以免中断考古发掘和旅游访问,罗马萨皮恩扎大学的Geodesy and Geomatics分部的Mattia Crespi教授和Roberta Ravanelli博士加入了团队。为了进行调查,团队依靠Leica Geosystems的地理信息系统(GIS)收集器,无人机(UAV)系统,GIS应用程序软件和HXGN SmartNet卫星定位服务。

“We had the support of a Leica Geosystems team in the field, which was directly involved with the data collection. We are very pleased with the products and the support of the personnel. The data acquired in the field allowed us to produce high quality 3D models, with an accuracy ranging from a few millimetres to a few centimetres, of the six archaeological areas, including some details within them and the entire island” Crespi说。

收集图像和GPS坐标以重建Motya岛的3D模型。这HXGN内容程序提供的空中图像用作GNSS测量的基础图。这Leica Zeno 20 GIS data collector was used together with Leica Zeno GG04 plus Smart Antenna to collect the positions of the ground control points. With the coordinates of the control points, the team in the field could save further info, such as pictures, notes and IDs using the Leica Zeno Mobile data collection software. The measured control points were then exported as ASCII files to be used for the photogrammetric processing of the images captured by the UAV.

尽管有猛烈的风,但两个无人机还是完美地捕捉了摄影处理所需的图像。特别注意六个相关考古区和海岸线,需要计算海平面预测。HXGN SmartNet终于被用来获得所需的RTK校正

所有原始空间数据,包括从UAVS和地面上获取的数字图像,GNSS数据和测量测量均通过Agisoft软件收集和处理,以创建3D model of the entire mythic island and of single excavation sites and relevant archaeological finds

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,整个岛上的3D模型也将首次启动,并详细研究iStituto nazionale di Geofisica的专家对尤斯特主义(海平面上升)对整个考古区域的影响的研究E Vulcanologia,意大利罗马。


Collecting, analysing and interpreting georeferenced data is an area where experts from multiple disciplines converge. Referenced bases, maps and 3D models are key for all professionals in the archaeological realm. Cultural heritage sites can be documented with a variety of technologies:

  • Mobile mapping
  • 资产收集和管理
  • 3D激光扫描
  • 摄影测量法
  • 遥感
  • 机载传感器和无人机
  • GNSS
  • 实用程序检测
  • 测量软件
  • 基于云的动态图。

“考古研究和地理学提供的新方法和技术解决方案所要求的新需求显着提高了过去十年中属于不同和显然遥远地区的两个学科之间的相互作用,”concluded Nigro.


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