
Case Study

Author:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez


To understand and create a complete picture of the ancient Mediterranean, the secrets of the island of Motya have been unveiled merging traditional archaeological tools and methods with the use of geospatial technologies.



Before the Greeks

来自拉丁语,Medius“中间”和Terra‘land’, the Mediterranean Sea, as in the original sense, is the "sea in the middle of the earth.” Intersecting at the pass between the East to the West, the 850-metre long Mediterranean island of Motya holds the key to many ancient history secrets of the region. This Sicilian island is, therefore, a strategic point to study the history, exchange, trade and cultural mixing that converged in this area, the bottle-neck of the “Middle Sea.”

超过3,000年前,腓尼基人在地中海蔓延开来,到达西西里岛,定居在莫蒂亚岛。萨皮恩扎大学进行的最近的考古调查发现,最早的腓尼基登陆泊位可以追溯到8Thcentury BC. Phoenicians lived all around Sicily and gathered in Motya after the Greeks arrived in vast number.

Led by Prof. Lorenzo Nigro, experts from Sapienza University have studied for years, together with the Superintendence of Trapani and with the support of Whitaker Foundation, Palermo, this unique archaeological site to make accurate assumptions on the people, cultures and civilisations that intersected in the island. Based on the ruins and remains that have been unveiled, producing遇到和逃脱眼睛的地图和3D模型正在帮助团队更好地理解和分享该地区的过去。


Motya 3D模型飞行员项目创建了考古发现和挖掘地点的3D模型支持考古研究,无论是在现场还是在办公室。这项调查运动的具体目标是创建整个Motya岛的第一个完整的3D模型和六个相关考古区域的3D模型。

Most survey operations are time-limited; in archaeology, this is no exception. To generate accurate 3D models and capture the survey data quickly to not interrupt the archaeological excavations and the tourist visits, Prof. Mattia Crespi and Dr. Roberta Ravanelli from the Geodesy and Geomatics Division of the Sapienza University of Rome joined the team. To do the survey, the team relied on Leica Geosystems’ Geographic Information System (GIS) collectors, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems, GIS application software and HxGN SmartNet satellite positioning service.

“我们得到了该领域的Leica Geosystems团队的支持,该团队直接参与了数据收集。我们对人员和人员的支持感到非常满意。bob综合app下载该领域获取的数据使我们能够生产高质量的3D型号,其准确性从六个考古区域中的几毫米到几厘米,其中包括其中的一些细节以及整个岛屿” Crespi说。

收集图像和GPS坐标以重建Motya岛的3D模型。这aerial imagery provided by the HxGN Content Program was used as a basemap for the GNSS measurements。Leica Zeno 20 GIS数据收集器与Leica Zeno GG04加上智能天线一起使用,以收集地面控制点的位置。使用控制点的坐标,该领域的团队可以使用Leica Zeno Mobile Data Collection软件节省更多信息,例如图片,注释和ID。然后将测量的控制点导出为ASCII文件,用于用于摄影测量处理,无人机捕获的图像。

尽管有猛烈的风,但两个无人机还是完美地捕捉了摄影处理所需的图像。Special attention was paid to the六个相关考古区和海岸线,需要计算海平面预测。HXGN SmartNet终于被用来获得所需的RTK校正

All raw spatial data, including the digital images acquired from the UAVs and on the ground, the GNSS data and the surveying measurements were collected and processed through Agisoft software, to create the整个神话岛和单个挖掘地点和相关考古发现的3D模型

Last but not least, the 3D model of the entire island will also enable, for the first time and in detail, the study of the effects of the eustatism (sea level rise) on the whole archaeological area by experts of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy.

Merging archaeology with geomatics


  • Mobile mapping
  • 资产收集和管理
  • 3D laser scanning
  • 摄影测量法
  • 遥感
  • 机载传感器和无人机
  • GNSS
  • 实用程序检测
  • Measurement software
  • Cloud-based dynamic maps.



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