Agata Fischer - 在舒适区域外舒适

We all know the danger (and draw) of comfort zones. There are plenty of quotes from brilliant people all over the world encouraging us to “step outside your comfort zone” or “growth only happens when you’re uncomfortable.” When you learn to like being outside of your comfort zone, that’s when you have proven to yourself you’re growing.

这就是Leica Geosystems的检测和服务业务总监Agata Fischer描述了她的成功和职业生涯的一致前瞻性轨迹。通过组织结构升起,她最近被公认为xyHt’s 40 Under 40 for 2020

赞扬是:“虽然她的学术背景是在商业职业cess and marketing, Agata has gained an exemplary understanding of geomatics and geospatial theory, practice, and especially emerging technologies. Her steady rise, first within Hilti and since within Leica Geosystems, is impressive, but what brought Agata to our attention was her presentations and writings. Being both tech- and business-savvy and an excellent presenter is a potent combination; the multi-lingual Ms. Fischer is all of the above.”

Impressive indeed, but it took a strong work ethic and that ever-burning desire to prove to herself she could rise beyond even her own expectations to realise she actually enjoys challenges and consistently being outside of her comfort zone.

Making a change


“With a great mentor who was a product manager, I always had a clear idea where I wanted to be,”菲舍尔说。“As a product manager, I could be very much like an entrepreneur being in the driver’s seat. I could be close to the customers, understand the workflows and their needs, and deliver solutions that bring value.”



“Though I prepared myself to fully succeed in this role, I was also willing to take a risk, really push myself into new territory,”叙述Fischer。“我有机会真正思考和表现像企业家,对一个复杂项目的成功负责。”


“There was a learning curve to overcome here, and I identified the people who I knew were key to making this line successful and gathering their input,”菲舍尔说。“My transition pivoted on before relying on others to now becoming responsible and having complete ownership of the project.”


“我是一个非常好奇的人,尤其是在客户方面。我想知道他们在做什么,驱动他们的事情,痛苦的是什么,”解释说Fischer。“This genuine curiosity helps me to build trust with the customer and enables them to open up to me so I can help build better solutions for their problems.


今天,菲舍尔(Fischer)领导了Leica Geosystems建筑工具部门的产品经理和培训师团队,再次从产品经理晋升为业务总监。她现在负责开发和指导Leica Geosystems检测解决方案的产品路线图,进入市场和销售策略。她从自己的职业旅程中学到的知识中汲取了目标,旨在通过对他们的强烈信念和信任他们的能力来增强自己的团队能力。


Building confident women in the workplace

菲舍尔组织中的某人说,授权她获得具有挑战性的机会是建筑工具总裁凯瑟琳·布罗德(Katherine Broder)。菲舍尔说,布罗德的领导能力激发了她追求目标并为自己的领导风格建模。

“Katy encouraged me from the beginning to pursue becoming a product manager,”解释说Fischer。“她曾经并且仍然对我所有的问题开放,她授权我设计自己的工作计划和风格,隐含地相信我。”


“Drive, dedication and the willingness to go beyond, that’s what makes Agata successful and a strong leader. It’s inspiring to me to see her grow and continue to unfold her talents,” said Broder. “Agata has truly become an asset to our business and organization. Meanwhile she has become my sounding board and mentor – a perfect development not only for me personally but also for the company.”





“Try. That’s the key. Always be willing to try and open to learning new things. Pick roles where you can continue to learn and be challenged,”Fischer encourages.“Growth doesn’t happen unless you leave your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that’s where we truly prove what we’re capable of and succeed.”


Paikanna Leica Geosystemsinyhteyshenkilömyynti-,tuki-jateknistäpalveluavarten。
Paikanna Leica Geosystemsinyhteyshenkilömyynti-,tuki-jateknistäpalveluavarten。