Agata Fischer - 在舒适区域外舒适


This is how Agata Fischer, business director for detection and services at Leica Geosystems, describes her success and the consistent forward trajectory of her career. Rising up through organisational structures, she was recently recognized as one ofXYHT 2020年40岁以下40岁以下

The commendation reads:“尽管她的学术背景从事业务流程和营销,但Agata对地理学和地理空间理论,实践,尤其是新兴技术有了一个模范的了解。她的稳定上升是在希尔蒂(Hilti)和莱卡(Leica Geosystems)内的,这给我们留下了深刻的印象,但引起我们注意的是她的演讲和著作。精通技术和商务和出色的演讲者是一种有效的组合。多语言菲舍尔女士都是以上所有。”




“With a great mentor who was a product manager, I always had a clear idea where I wanted to be,”菲舍尔说。“作为一名产品经理,我可能很像企业家在驾驶员座位上。我可能会与客户接近,了解工作流及其需求,并提供带来价值的解决方案。”

With this experience, Fischer also wanted to better understand the marketing side of business, so her first role after her internship was as a marketing manager. Here she learned the process of features, benefits and values, and conducting market research.


“尽管我为自己的角色做好了准备,但我也愿意冒险,真正将自己推向新的领域。”recounts Fischer.“I was given opportunities to really think and act like an entrepreneur, being held responsible for the success of a complicated project.”

而马从营销过渡到产品nager, Fischer took on the complex work of turning a services line into a profitable part of the business. First, using skills built in her marketing role, she conducted market research to better understand the customers she was now working with on a closer level. She then created a network of stakeholders who she turned into supporters.


When the services line turned into a successful part of the business, Fischer knew she had finally proven herself. Along with her determination to reach her goals, she also attributes her success to a strong sense of curiosity.

“我是一个非常好奇的人,尤其是在客户方面。我想知道他们在做什么,驱动他们的事情,痛苦的是什么,”解释说Fischer。“This genuine curiosity helps me to build trust with the customer and enables them to open up to me so I can help build better solutions for their problems.


今天,菲舍尔(Fischer)领导了Leica Geosystems建筑工具部门的产品经理和培训师团队,再次从产品经理晋升为业务总监。她现在负责开发和指导Leica Geosystems检测解决方案的产品路线图,进入市场和销售策略。她从自己的职业旅程中学到的知识中汲取了目标,旨在通过对他们的强烈信念和信任他们的能力来增强自己的团队能力。

“在我的角色和这家公司内部工作,与我所拥有的领导者一起工作,并且总是学习愿意在不舒服的同时成长,我对自己建立了强烈的信心和自豪感。我现在想把它还给我有领导特权的人,”菲舍尔说。“I focus on developing my team by showing them I believe in them, enabling them to grow in their positions with new responsibilities; essentially also pushing them outside of their own comfort zones to try new things even if they think they can’t do something. When they prove they can, it’s not only a celebration for them but the whole team.”


菲舍尔组织中的某人说,授权她获得具有挑战性的机会是建筑工具总裁凯瑟琳·布罗德(Katherine Broder)。菲舍尔说,布罗德的领导能力激发了她追求目标并为自己的领导风格建模。

“凯蒂从一开始就鼓励我成为产品经理,”解释说Fischer。“She was and still is open to all of my questions, and she empowered me to design my own work programmes and style, implicitly believing in me.”


“Drive, dedication and the willingness to go beyond, that’s what makes Agata successful and a strong leader. It’s inspiring to me to see her grow and continue to unfold her talents,” said Broder. “Agata has truly become an asset to our business and organization. Meanwhile she has become my sounding board and mentor – a perfect development not only for me personally but also for the company.”


“Women, unfortunately, are not as initially confident in business as men even though they possess skill sets that are sorely needed to make business thrive,”解释说Fischer。“When we make space, though, to build that confidence, as was done with me in the company, they surprise not only themselves but those around them in how much they can actually accomplish.”



“尝试。那是关键。始终愿意尝试学习新事物。选择可以继续学习和受到挑战的角色,”菲舍尔鼓励。“Growth doesn’t happen unless you leave your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that’s where we truly prove what we’re capable of and succeed.”

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