地理学家 - 融合两全其美


地理学家 - 融合两全其美

作者:凯瑟琳·雷穆勒(Katherine Lehmuller),十月2016

On the Baltic island of Öland, just off Sweden’s mainland, is a ring fort known as Sandby Borg. This fort is the location of a terrible event that took place roughly 1,500 years ago. Recently discovered archaeological treasures have awakened public interest in Sandby Borg, which until 2010 has remained virtually untouched. The site is a treasure trove full of information waiting to be discovered. With the help of the data collector Leica Zeno 20, ZenoCollector by Esri® app and Fabel, the world’s first licensed archaeology dog, the mysteries of life and death in 500 AD begin to take shape. Limited time and costs of this archaeological dig have led researchers at Kalmar Läns Museum in Sweden to look for solutions. By combining a dog’s incredibly acute sense of smell with an industryleading data collector using GNSS accuracy, documenting and presenting history to the public have been changed for the better.

In the late 5th century the Roman Empire was in turmoil. Famine and violence lead many Germanic tribes to migrate to presumably safer places in Europe. The turbulence reached far beyond the Roman Empire and Europe. The inhabitants of the island of Öland built their villages inside circular stone walls, known as ring forts. These forts contained some of the highest standards of living in Scandinavia at that time.

5,000平方米的围墙区域被称为Sandby Borg是一个巨大的挑战。很久以前发生的事情几乎没有人知道,除了对居民发动意外攻击。他们在日常工作中被击倒,只有足够的通知来隐藏贵重物品。非常不寻常的尸体被静置,躺在他们跌落的地方 - 在房屋的地板上或闷闷不乐的火坑。所有财产,例如牲畜和贵重物品,都被抛在后面。从那以后,戒指堡一直没有被打扰。据推测,堡垒可能有数百名受害者的遗体。这个地方就像一个时间胶囊,提供了关于日常生活在公元5世纪末的样子的独特见解,并且只是在等待被发现。


Unmatched levels of cultural and historical finds remain below just centimetres of soil at Sandby Borg. When word got out about this invaluable find, plundering and looting became an issue. There was a possibility important historical information could be lost or destroyed forever. The Sandby Borg project began in 2010 with little idea of what lay below. A limited budget permitted only a short period of excavation in summer. Since its discovery, only 5 per cent of the site has been excavated. As yet, only two houses have been completely excavated, where unexpectedly researchers found 11 skeletons. These remains are complicated and time-consuming to remove. They bring important clues as to how people in this time lived and why they were attacked.


故事:地理学家 - 融合两全其美
第3章:A dog's sense of smell - doing what no technique as yet can do
第4章:A story starts to take shape



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