

作者:克里斯汀·格拉尔(Christine Grahl)

每小时90至100分– that’s how fast Jeff Gerber and the surveyors ofClark Builders通常,当他们在项目上进行布局时移动。总部位于加拿大埃德蒙顿的顶级总承包商,在加拿大的埃德蒙顿提供建筑物和结构工业的,商业的, 和机构sectors, and concrete layout work is a key area of focus.

在去年,在采用最新一代后,团队将其布局时间简化了25%至30%莉卡图标robotic total stations, GNSS and software我们都是以旧的布局方式摇滚明星,但是图标效率更高,更加直观,”格伯说。


As building projects became increasingly elaborate, with more angles, curves and slopes, Gerber kept pushing the envelope, trying to find a better way to get the job done. One day, while he was working on a three-level parkade, Courtney Gehring from Mountainview Systems stopped by to show him the Leica iCON 60 robot.“我图标能够轻松地进行表面的能力及其执行点和线路布局的能力而震惊,”格伯说。“这是我们一直在等待的技术。”

Speed and accuracy provide big efficiency gains



On another project, Gerber had to lay out Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) core hole locations through a concrete slab under every seat in a theatre. With his previous robot, Gerber was每小时最多可列出50或60点in this type of application.“With the iCON robot, I was easily getting 80 points an hour plus at high accuracy, and that was in the first two months with the technology,”他说。

有记录的改进使Clark Builders的管理团队可以轻松证明完整的车队升级是合理的。2017年8月,该公司购买了六个Icon Robot 60机器人总站,一个图标GPS 60 GNSS智能天线和图标构建软件。bob apple经过两个小时的培训,团队充满信心,并准备在工作中使用该技术。“这是瞬间的,走吧,”格伯说。“毫不犹豫;每个人都在里面。”



易用性是Clark Builders的关键卖点。Gerber将图标解决方案与最新一代消费者智能手机技术进行了比较。“从以前的机器人到图标就像从翻转手机到iPhone一样,”他说。他们俩都执行相同的操作,但是使用图标,执行相同的任务等等要容易得多。我们只点击一次,我们要去。线条也是如此 - 仅在线上点击,我们正在这样做。它非常简单,但非常强大。”

在现场和办公室之间移动数据也很容易。团队将AutoCAD或Revit文件作为DXF保存,不需要其他进口或出口。点在图纸上完美覆盖,这提供了有价值的现场信息“该软件会自动在线路的末端创建点,并以圆圈为中心。”格伯说。“We just save it as a DXF and go.”


由于工作流程更快,更轻松,Gerber估计该公司现在在每个项目上花费25%至30%,直接影响底线。“Our survey costs are lower because we’re not onsite as long, and the risk of rework is practically eliminated because of our high accuracy,”他说。“Plus, our ability to provide the layout in a timely and accurate way enables the trades to do their work and stay on schedule. We all win.”



随着Gerber和Clark Builders的其他测量师继续推动图标解决方案的限制,他们发现了其他优势。例如,the ease of laying out surfaces and slope lines has enabled the team to pursue increasingly complex projects“我t's so much easier to do advanced work with angles and curves,”格伯说。“这给了我们巨大的信心。”

Gerber also sees the potential to gain even greater efficiencies by using the iCON build software with IFC files—the software’s Object Layout App loads IFC data straight from Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP)/Building Information Modelling (BIM) design software so users can select objects graphically.


“Technology isn't going away, and it’s incredibly powerful when it’s used properly,”格伯说。“我们的方法是拥抱技术并从中学习,不要回头。”


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