Hexagon to showcase groundbreaking autonomous solutions and smart digital realities at INTERGEO 2021 Live+Digital

bob体育报道六角宣布赞助和exhibiting at INTERGEO 2021 Live+Digital

最近宣布的Leica BLK ARC和theLeicaBLK2FLY- 屡获殊荣的BLK系列的最新成员将在会议上首次公开露面。Leica BLK Arc是一种用于机器人的自动激光扫描模块,它与机器人载体集成在一起,以使自主移动激光器扫描以最少或没有人为干预的方式扫描。世界上第一个自动飞行激光扫描仪Leica Blk2Fly轻松捕获了天空中的外部,结构和环境,在飞行时产生了3D点云。这些产品具有BLK投资组合的签名速度,可移植性和直观设计,具有完全自主性,体现了六边形致力于增强自主未来的承诺。bob综合app下载bob体育报道BLK ARC和BLK2FLEFLEF FIELD直接连接到Hexagon的基于云的可视化平台,bob体育报道HXDR,如果立即上传,启用AI的云处理以及捕获数据的存储,可以即时交付专用的智能数字现实,向任何地方的合作者提供。

During Hexagon’sBLK Autonomy Dayon September 22, visitors can experience autonomous reality capture live and in real time. Hexagon’s Chief Technology Officer Burkhard Böckem, will show how Hexagon puts data to work when he presents the autonomous systems created by Leica Geosystems BLK and HxDR in his keynote presentation “From Smart Digital Realities towards an Autonomous Future” at 12 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. CEST.

“我已经加入Intergeo已有18年了。这不仅仅是会议和展览。这是一年一度的亮点,”托马斯·哈林(Thomas Harring)说。“结识地理空间社区和许多有兴趣创造地理空间未来的新人真是太好了。今年,我们将带您走向自主和可持续的未来。我们很高兴再次为汉诺威的许多行业展示如此多的开创性创新。”

为了庆祝公司100年的周年创新Heerbrugg,今年在第23厅举行的展览,展位23A.24以历史性产品为特色,以及当今的开创性创新。bob综合app下载bob体育报道六边形专家将提供动手演示,目前的六角技术,以提高生产力并创造商机,并引入塑造和建立一个较牢固联系的解决方案,在这种世界中,商业,工业和人类可持续发展。演示文稿将探讨总体主题“朝着自主解决方案和智能数字现实的实现 - 为未来创新。”

For those eager to learn more about Hexagon’s digital solutions, but unable to attend the show, Hexagon’s Geosystems division will stream sessions from INTERGEO alongside keynotes byThomas Harring (President at Hexagon’s Geosystems division),MariaLuthström(Hexagon AB的可持续发展主管)bob体育报道Burkhard Böckem (Chief Technology Officer at Hexagon AB)at its virtual event HxGN Live GeoSummit 2021. Explore the agenda and register这里to join us virtually.

Or meet us in person at INTERGEO 2021: Get your free tickets before the show这里.

六年的一部分Leica Geosystems彻底改变了测量和调查的世界,为整个地球上的专业人员创造了完整的解决方案。bob体育报道以优质的产品和创新的解决方案开发而闻bob综合app下载名,专业人士以各种各样的行业组合,例如航空航天和国防,安全与保障,建筑和制造业,对其所有地理空间的需求信任Leica Geosystems。Leica Geosystems凭借精确而准确的仪器,精致的软件和受信任的服务,每天都为塑造我们世界未来的人们提供价值。

Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions. We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity, and quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, safety, and mobility applications.

Our technologies are shaping urban and production ecosystems to become increasingly connected and autonomous — ensuring a scalable, sustainable future.

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 21,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 3.8bn EUR. Learn more athexagon.com和follow us@HexagonAB.

Communications Team
Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

