
Author:莫妮卡·米勒·罗杰斯(Monica Miller Rodgers)


水流被归类为2015年美国最濒危河流的水。reduce by 10 to 30 per cent到2050年。天气温暖,降雪量较小,河流中内置的数百多个水坝对其生态系统施加了重大压力。这不利地影响了鱼类和野生动植物的栖息地:

  • $26 billion recreational economy,
  • 4000万人依靠河流每天用水,
  • 200万公顷的农田灌溉。


“我们正在努力了解科罗拉多河正在发生的事情,”Bor Yuma Area Office技术支持办公室的负责人Carrie Scott说。“我们对河流进行建模,以了解整个浅水中的沉积物沉积物,进而帮助我们确定诸如河岸降解或流动中的'choper点'之类的水。”


“As the water masters of the River, we need to ensure continuous water delivery. We have an ongoing program to contract for a study to map the river by reach to understand how the riverbed is changing,”said Scott.“我们收到的数据有助于我们更好地建模河流的表面和地下。我们拥有的质量越好,我们就越能建模和了解各种水流的影响,并为沿河的项目产生了工程设计。”

Turning to Allied GIS, a mapping firm specialising in GIS, imagery and database applications, the firm was tasked to build a digital orthophotography and a topographical map that met the U.S. national mapping accuracystandard of 30 cm。然后,Allied GIS与德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校杰克逊地球科学学院(局)的杰克逊地球科学学院合作,以获取机载的浴综合激光雷达数据和另一家调查公司,以提供地形激光雷达和地面支撑。


A long-time user of Leica Geosystems airborne sensors, researchers at the Bureau used theirLeica Chiroptera空降系统收集加利福尼亚和亚利桑那州下科罗拉多河流域的数据。


  1. 地形激光雷达的近红外(红波长)
  2. 测深痛的可见(绿波长)

Chiroptera旨在与两个扫描仪同时获取数据,从而在具有浅水体的复杂景观中进行调查。河流调查是在高于地面的400 m,这是最佳海拔用于收集测深痛数据。地形扫描仪以300 kHz的重复速率同时获得数据,以区分水面,并绘制直接的海岸线。

“ chiroptera允许我们捕捉河流的测深方面和近距离地形的特征”该局的主要研究科学家库塔米斯·塞拉姆(Kutalmis Saylam)说。“We’ve been using our Chiroptera for more than four years now, and we can rely on this robust and intuitive system in the field. That’s very important for us as reliable sensors are a must for our work.”



任务的一部分包括收集来自世界上最深的水坝。亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州之间的帕克大坝的挡土墙高度为98 m,根据季节的不同,将水排出不同。在与大坝管理局的协调下,该局安排了较低的出院期间的空降任务(146对252 m3/sec) for possible lower turbidity levels in the water-column. Because turbidity absorbs light beams and prevents them from penetrating into deeper water column, it is an essential part of quality assurance procedures for conducting a successful ALB survey. The average reading was 0.41 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) in the northern sections of the river, which indicated overall low levels of turbidity in the water-column. In the south, the river was shallower, running through a desert-like environment and losing much of its water to irrigation. These conditions contributed to higher turbidity levels of up to 6.25 NTU and created difficulties for LiDAR beams.

“骨翅目的坚固光束很容易渗透到河北部的晴朗水域。我们创建了一个无缝的水底表示,深度超过10 m,”塞拉姆说。“在浊度较高的南部,我们使用了可用的回报和插值方法来估计和创建水底代表。

Leica LiDAR调查套件LSS v2.3软件包含一种更新的浑浊水算法,该算法过滤了低或中等水平的浊度产生的反向散射噪声,并选择最独特的峰作为水底表示。

“This algorithm enabled the discovery of more returns from deeper waters of the river, and we measured an overall improvement of 81 cm compared to normal returns - a significant achievement in LiDAR bathymetry,”塞拉姆说。

Facilitating the study of the lower Colorado River basin geomorphology and further understanding of the effects of climate change, the Bureau was able to provide an accurate and detailed map.

“我们能够按照美国开垦局要求的河水底部,海岸线和河流整体地形量化水柱的深度”。塞拉姆说。“This valuable knowledge enables us to undertake similar projects in the future, and the reliability of Chiroptera allows us to continue focusing on similar scientific studies.”

BOR will further use the digital orthophotography and the topographical map to match its in-house survey team’s measurements from boat and ground means. The LiDAR study conclusions will continue to help BOR to keep Colorado River flowing in the right direction and supporting those who depend on it.

“我们从LIDAR收到的数据已校准了我们内部团队的调查,”said Scott.“This information is important to our ongoing operation to continue to improve our models so we can correctly identify what’s changing what could hap-pen and to develop our projects according to conditions.”


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