Leica Geosystemsand Huddig collaborate to launch a new 3D machine control solution for their backhoe loaders

The Leica iCON iXE3 3D excavator machine control solution is integrated with Huddig's own swing boom sensor for backhoes.

Leica Geosystemsand Huddig collaborate to launch a new 3D machine control solution for their backhoe loaders

(瑞士海尔布鲁格,2021年7月6日)Hexagon的一部分Leica Geosystembob体育报道s今天宣布与Backhoes的瑞典制造商Huddig AB进行新的合作,为Huddig Backhoe Backhoe装载机提供3D机器控制解决方案。

For over 60 years, Huddig has supplied versatile and agile backhoes specialised for city, cable, and rail projects, performing the same job as three other machines with only one operator. Huddig backhoe loaders can replace larger traditional machines on a heavy construction site and are built for the harsh Scandinavian climate.

"We are pleased about this cooperation between Leica Geosystems and Huddig. With the introduction of our new hybrid backhoe, Tigon, we emphasise our ambition to lower the environmental footprint for the heavy construction industry,"says explains Daniel Myrgren, Market & Sales Manager for Huddig AB.

Adding 3D machine control from Leica Geosystems to the Huddig backhoes will ensure even higher productivity of the machines when working on individual projects or with a fleet of machines that uses 3D machine control and digital workflows.

“我们期待提供我们的挖掘机machine control solution on Huddig machines. As of today, our proven technology can be retrofitted on all new Huddig backhoes as well as those sold in the past,"says Mattias Korall, Regional Heavy Construction Director Nordics at Leica Geosystems part of Hexagon.

"Adding machine control from Leica Geosystems to our first hybrid backhoe further helps reduce fuel consumption, wear and tear on machines, rework and errors,"explains Myrgren.

Leica Geosystemsand Huddig collaborate to launch a new 3D machine control solution for their backhoe loaders

Adding Leica Geosystems’ machine control technology to Huddig’s new hybrid backhoe, Tigon, we contribute to lower the environmental footprint in the heavy construction industry.

一个污垢简单的解决方案现在可以完全控制huddig backhoes

早些时候,我们宣布了新发行的LeicaiCON iXE3 3Dexcavator machine control solution for smaller excavators with swing boom. Now customer of Huddig backhoe loaders can also benefit from the一左右, unified hardware and software solution from Leica Geosystems part of Hexagon.

“如今,在许多项目中,3D机器控制是强制性的,这种合作使Huddig Backhoes可以在更大规模的连接站点上工作," says Jonas Löfskog from Jonas Excav, explaining the advantage of the new cooperation.


Huddig开发,制造和出售Huddig Backhoe装载机,用于高架线,铁路和建筑行业。我们自己的品牌哈迪格(Huddig)长期以来一直是瑞典在反铲装载机中的市场领导者。我们为我们称为城市,有线和铁路的细分市场提供了有效工作的最终解决方案。

HUDDIG滑移装载机使用一个独特的组合of articulated centre pivot and transmission that allows the machine to operate in almost any terrain.

Since its inception in 1959, Huddig has made more than 12,000 backhoe loaders.

Leica Geosystems,Una Empresa del Grupo Hbob体育报道exagon,Lleva 200AñosRevolucionando el Mundo de laMedicióny de latopografíaatravésde soluciones de soluciones delesas para para profesionales profesionales de todo el planeta。Conocida por Sus Productos de Alta calidad y el desarrollo de Soluciones Innovadoras,Los Profesionales de Una Amplia Gama de Industrias,Como la Aeroespacial Y de defensa,Seguridad,ConflucciónY Manufactura,Confíanen en en en en en en een en leica geosystems para sus sus sus sus neSesidades neesidades neesidades。Gracias a sus precisos instrumentos, a sus sofisticados softwares y sus servicios fiables, Leica Geosystems realiza a diario una valiosa contribución al trabajo de todos aquellos que están dando forma al futuro del mundo.

Hexagon es un líder mundial en sensores, software y soluciones autónomas. Sacamos el máximo partido de los datos para impulsar la eficiencia, la productividad y la calidad en todas las aplicaciones industriales y de fabricación, infraestructuras, seguridad y movilidad.

Nuestras tecnologías están modelando los ecosistemas urbanos y de producción para que cada vez estén más conectados y sean más autónomos, lo que a su vez tiene por objeto garantizar un futuro escalable y sostenible.

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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

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