Our Icon



The shape of the Hexagon Geosystems icon symbolises our expertise and innovation in reality-capture technologies. The triangles converge to create a 3D building that represents how we create digital worlds from multiple perspectives, whether it’s a single dimension between two walls in a house or 3D shapes of infrastructure, cities and entire countries.

我们的图形标识符反映了我们的核心目的,为客户提供了可行的信息,对于理解,计划和执行其项目至关重要。这就是Hexagon Gbob体育报道eoSystems通过出色的定位,指导和可视化解决方案来塑造智能变化的方式,从而使您能够以最高的效率工作。

See the icons that represent each of the Hexagon divisions, symbolising how our solutions are shaping smart change to enable limitless potential across vital industries.

Shaping Smart Change

We are shaping change across geospatial and industrial enterprises with innovative solutions that empower meaningful data and ideas to do their greatest good.
We are shaping change across geospatial and industrial enterprises with innovative solutions that empower meaningful data and ideas to do their greatest good.

Why Shape Matters

In this blog post, Hexagon President and CEO Ola Rollén discusses the importance of shape when looking at our world.
In this blog post, Hexagon President and CEO Ola Rollén discusses the importance of shape when looking at our world.