

KlöntalerSee坐落在海拔848米的海平面,早在1655年就开始启发,苏黎世艺术家康拉德·梅耶(Conrad Meyer)绘制了第一个现代的高山全景。该湖面由岩石滑坡(Rockslide)久久以前创建,并由2900毫米高的山地massifglärnisch创建,这对于游客和艺术家来说仍然是令人陶醉的美丽之美的令人惊叹的吸引力。但是,诗人和画家不仅认识到3.3平方公里的大型仅限的潜力,这是由周围的山溪(Klön)等周围的山溪喂养的。1908年,klöntalersee在罗丹伯格和萨克伯格之间的东边扣押了一个土墩,为周围的村庄和公司发电。

Due to the new 220-m-long and 21.5-m-high earth bulk dam, the lake can carry about 39.8 million cubic meters of water, which can be used to generate electricity if demand fluctuates and during peak times.

From air to water

With their groundbreaking approach to combine hydrography and photogrammetry, the IngenieurTeam GEO GmbH planned to survey the area by using their sounding boat, Surveyor, Leica Geosystems industrial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) solution as well as state-of-the-art positioning technology from Leica Geosystems in the Swiss canton of Glarus. The goal was to generate a 3D-model for accurate and inch-step precise calculation and simulation of the actual holding capacity.

在采取了所有准备措施之后,批准过程和计划已经完成,来自卡尔斯鲁希的专家带着他们的声纳船只到达220公里以上的湖泊进入瑞士阿尔卑斯山,以常规的水表绘制湖泊的污染状况。在瑞士国家坐标系统LV03中记录了船只和Leica Geosystems无人机所做的所有测量。

With 172 planned recording lines, the 6-meter-long vessel set sail to create a detailed picture of the lake’s soil using its Reson SeaBat 8101 Multibeam echosounder. The fathometer emits acoustic signals at an angle of 150 degrees and calculates the depth of the water by measuring the elapsed time of the echo. At 101 beams per ping at a frequency of 30 pings per second, the hydrographs receive high-precision data of the bed with a graticule of 3,030 single points per second. With an overlap of one-third of every measuring track, the experts ensure that an accuracy of less than 10 centimeters is achieved during their measurement.

But before data can be gathered, the measuring system must be calibrated precisely in order to avoid disturbance factors and to correctly determine the results. Therefore, the sensor technology must be adjusted before every deployment to subtract both linear movements of the vessel as well as rotation around its axles to impede any falsification. A further step for the hydrographs to get a clear and detailed view of the lakes ground is to factor the waters sound velocity into the calculation, which changes depending on temperature and suspended particles and becomes especially important in lentic water.

After the boat got launched and calibrated, the crew put out to sea on a two-and-a-half hour long first cruise to get a first impression of the lake’s character and began to create the first sonar data of the soil. Following the planned routes and under consideration of the lake’s depth and texture, the highly skilled hydrographs on the Surveyor collected enough information to create a point cloud of 134.837.653 X-Y-Z-coordinates. All in all, the crew of the observation boat made it in five days to record all 2,855,204 square meters of the Klöntalersee.


Beyond limits

Not only rapid changing weather conditions and bone-chilling cold pushed man and machine to its limits, with the glaciated massif Glärnisch building the south embankment, the environment put the technology to the test. With its 2,900 m, the massif literally threw its shadow ahead. Through the massifs steep slopes in close vicinity to the riverside, the experts feared they might lose their GPS-stream due to signal opacity on the south side of the Klöntalersee. In this case, the determination of the boat’s position would have been carried out by tachymeters placed on the northern and eastern shore of the lake. Because of the lake’s long-drawn-out kidney shape, this would have led to serious problems to get accurate details of the boat’s position.

Aibot X6 UAV surveying the Kloentalersee

通过在测量师上使用Leica viva GS 16 GNSS天线,可以将具有多层声纳记录的数据分配给其坐标。凭借其内置的SmartLink技术,即使GSM网络的信号丢失了,机组人员仍然能够记录高精度数据并接收GNSS校正数据。多亏了550个频道,最先进的测量引擎和超现代RTK算法,无人机和船只的数据都可以精确地分配给测试结果。

Due their general design, bank situations are hard to capture for multibeam equipped vessels. In addition to that, the risk of damaging the sensitive and expensive sensor rapidly rises in shallow water and in the proximity of the shore. In order to still obtain exact results for the volume calculations and simulations, the engineers relied on their experience with their UAV and decided to capture the shores and embankments airborne via photogrammetry.

impassable coat on the south of the Klöntalersee


After the lake was measured at regular water level from the boat, the engineers began to plan the flights for the Leica Geosystems UAV solution. To capture the shore regions overlapping with the measurements taken by the boat, it was crucial to plan the following flights with the UAV at lower water levels. After the level of the Klöntalersee had been lowered seasonally, the survey with Leica Geosystems hexacopter began.

为此,ING的专家。Geo的专家计划使用内部建造的飞行计划软件,为以下航班设置航路点,并确定适合调查的参数,例如高度,地面采样距离(GSD),数据速度和数据重叠。为了尽可能准确地记录银行区域的倾斜和陡峭的地形,专家决定多次调查每个区域以提高数据的有效性。PC上的飞行计划完成并将航路点加载到UAVS内部存储空间后,使用Viva GS16测量了湖泊周围的地面控制点(GCP),因此可以开始首次飞行。

Once again, the surveying of the alpine reservoirs presented its very own challenges for man and machine. In addition to average temperatures of less than 0 degrees Celsius, rapid weather changes and low clouds, once again the southern bank of the Klöntalersee with its steeply sloping mountain walls was the biggest challenge. The UAV had to be started and landed on a separate boat because the steep walls and the dense vegetation of the shore made it impossible for the pilot to operate from the land. In addition to the sensitive and reliable technology, the skills and the steady hand of the pilot were particularly important.

尽管有不利的条件,但来自卡尔斯鲁赫(Karlsruhe)的团队还是能够在18次飞行中收集高度精确的数据,因此在两天内覆盖了总长度超过12公里的干岸条。每两秒钟拍摄一次图片,而无人机则以4 m/s的速度移动,专家们确保了数据以最高准确性记录到飞行多传感器平台上的相机。


Combining technologies with accuracy

As with the recordings of the surveying boat, it was of immanent importance for the UAV-based results to accurately reference them. For this purpose, the experts of the Ingenieurteam GEO equipped the UAV with an special RTK / GNSS module and used in addition the Viva GS16 GNSS antenna, which was the perfect match to work under these difficult conditions to achieve an accuracy of 1-3 cm in georeferencing the collected data.

Aibot X6 UAV surveying the Kloentalersee view from the west

After all measurements had taken place, the surveying experts began to process the obtained data. The point clouds created by the multibeam sonar had to be fed into the PDS 2000 bearing software to manually edit and correct them from imprecision. In order integrate the data of the river banks into the volume calculation, all 4,400 high-resolution images created with the UAV had to be imported into flight planning software, where they were merged with the coordinates from the UAV’s log file. After that, the georeferenced data was edited in the post processing software AgiSoft PhotoScan Pro to create a 3D model as well as a point cloud. Subsequently, the two 3D models were combined in the Autodesk application AutoCAD® Civil 3D to generate an exact model of the lake's situation.

Using the data from the 3D model, the engineers generated a precise map with elevation lines for their client. By being able to generate such a precise result and to combine two completely different ways of surveying large and challenging areas, the engineers stood up to the game and used the most modern technology to get the job done. With the data generated by boat and UAV, the experts are able to fulfill their clients’ wishes of a detailed virtual 3D model and a metres long situation plan with contour lines printed out.

“The combination of the measurement results of our modern multibeam system and Leica Geosystems UAV allows us to generate high-precision data very quickly,” said Busse.

Leica Geosystems再次选择飞行多感官平台来重新考虑传统的工作方式,是专业人士取得最佳成果的正确选择。


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