再保险porter 74


A Message from the President

With more than half of the world’s population now living in cities, construction is on the rise across the globe. From housing to commercial buildings to building service facilities supporting growing communities, the construction industry is on a significant upswing.

如今,越来越多的开发人员依靠数字蓝图来构建明天的结构。澳大利亚的项目测量师使用Leica Geosystems 3D激光扫描技术来捕获和建模国际零售集团的主要购物中心,使公司的生产率提高了50%以上。在瑞士,Grunder Ingenieure AG采用了Leica Geosystems移动映射解决方案Pegasus:两人来捕获Gotthard Base Tunnel的整个基础设施,Gotthard Base Tunnel是世界上最长的交通隧道之一,进行了较快的调查,更快,更安全,更有效。

可靠且安全的运输对社区的可持续性很重要。作为国际财团的一部分,斯特鲁克顿(Strukton)正在首都沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)建造第一个公共交通系统,并使用我们的精确度量解决方案建造。摩洛哥的Sefiani Enterprises正在使用Leica Geosystems机器控制系统为该国最新的高速铁路线提供平稳的行驶,每天节省超过15,000欧元的项目。


Juergen Dold



使用Leica TS15帮助按计划移动铁路桥的轨道。

Land Air Water

Calculating material volume and modelling quarries using the Aibotix Aibot X6.

Seeing the entire picture in detail

了解新设计如何使用Leica Caintivate软件融入现有结构。

Establishing reliable positions with speed

Efficiently establishing control points and item positions with Leica iCON products.


Creating a survey-accurate Revit model for a large shopping centre using Leica Geosystems ScanStations.


与Leica Pegasus:两个。

Mastering big data in mines

Controlling complex issues of an ore mine using Hexagon Mining Fleet Management.

On the fast track of BIM

Leica Geosystemsexperts explain the ever-popular concept of BIM.

No strings attached

借用Leica Geosystems机器控制完美的摩洛哥道路。


Quickly and safely constructing a UK road using Leica Geosystems GNSS solutions.

Moving a capital city forward

Leica Geosystemssolutions help build one of the largest infrastructure sites in the world.

The Real Deal pays out

Leica MS50多固定在隧道上提供具有成本效益的可交付成果。

记者74- 2016年5月
