激光Scanning Industry Applications

Leverage the power of laser scanning for your business and clients.


With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries. Whether it is ensuring a clash free design, understanding the general topography of a site, or capturing the intricate geometries seen in manufacturing facilities, laser scanning technology is key for generating business as it allows professionals to more quickly document the as-built conditions for any environment. Reality capture solutions allows teams from varied disciplines to access smart digital realities to manage existing systems during the design, construction and maintenance cycles in user-friendly, interactive and accessible ways.

Discover how to leverage laser scanning solutions to professionalise your business and expand your portfolio.

What does laser scanning
mean for your industry?



    Measurement has always been a core tenant of the construction industry. With the advent of laser scanning, as-builts, monitoring and verification have been radically simplified. Learn how HDS technology can dramatically improve surveys, site visibility, progress reporting, and construction inspection processes.



      植物是生活设施,需要不断更新和升级,以保持相关和竞争力。了解Leica Geosystems的精确硬件和软件解决方案如何简化从竣工调查到日常资产管理和主要安装和升级的所有内容。

      Leica Survey



        forensics and public safety

          公共安全官员有机会记录一个场景,没有错误的空间。通过确保犯罪或意外场景的确切捕获,因此没有任何关键的证据才能迅速清理事件来恢复正常运营,这些专业人员需要精确,速度和安全。Leica Geosystems提供您需要快速,准确地记录场景的工具,并充满信心地向同事沟通。

          New Workflows for Reality Capture Success - Webinar

          Join us as we provide an overview of various methods to leverage the newest features in Cyclone, for more efficient data preparation and streamlined delivery.
          Join us as we provide an overview of various methods to leverage the newest features in Cyclone, for more efficient data preparation and streamlined delivery.


          Learn how users get the most out of their projects by combining the RTC360, BLK360 and Cyclone REGISTER 360 software as a system solution from real-life project workflows.
          Learn how users get the most out of their projects by combining the RTC360, BLK360 and Cyclone REGISTER 360 software as a system solution from real-life project workflows.

