
作者:Shakhzod Takhirov博士

土木工程师正在不断寻找无损的测量技术,这些技术可以帮助估计结构状况。Leica Geosystems的高清测量(HDS)或激光扫描满足了这一需求。

A joint research team comprised of members from UC Berkeley’s Structures Laboratory (a research lab specialising in full-scale structural testing and numerical analysis), Miyamoto International (an earthquake and structural engineering firm in the USA), Smart Scanning Solutions, LLC (a 3D scanning and modelling service provider in Uzbekistan) and BNZ (Leica Geosystems’ representative in Uzbekistan) has been deploying HDS reality management technology at heritage monuments along the historic Silk Road within Uzbekistan. Multiple monuments have been captured and analysed for earthquake susceptibility.



作为许多遗产纪念碑的代表性例子,选出了乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕的雷吉斯坦广场合奏团。合奏包括1417-1420的Ulugh Beg Madrasah,Sher-Dor Madrasah,1619-1636,Tilya-Kori Madrasah和Mosque,1646-1660,以及18世纪的Chorsu Domed Market。

Earthquakes, extreme seasonal temperatures, normal depreciation of the buildings and the economic crises of the 18th and 19th centuries have left the ensemble in a ruined condition. Structural repairs and straightening of the minarets had been conducted in 1923 and 1932; however, major restoration works were undertaken in recent years.

从70多个电视台扫描了该合奏,并带有Leica扫描仪。除了位于合奏中的所有古迹的全球尺寸外,扫描还捕获了纪念碑的所有细节:瓷砖形状和尺寸,它们在古迹中的整体位置,任何缺陷以及门廊的整体几何形状。为了达到点密度的细节,所有扫描的密度为2 mm x 2 mm。

扫描数据产生了极为有价值的结果,可用于决策中亚洲地震地区的纪念碑的进一步恢复策略。在从点云中生成有限元模型中,使用Leica Cyclone软件用于具有复杂几何形状的表面。

智能扫描解决方案首席执行官Liliya Myagkova说:“鉴于扫描仪的实现超高扫描速度的能力,我们能够快速收集对纪念碑进行彻底调查所需的数据。”“和气旋简单的注册使团队能够处理点云以进行快速分析。”



CONTENT IMAGE Preserving Mankinds Past From Mother Natures Quakes 02

The laser scanning expeditions were expanded into new cities. An extensive list of historic structures included many cities of Uzbekistan: Bukhara, Shakhrisybaz and Tashkent. In addition to that, more historic structures in Samarkand were scanned.

Shakhrisyabz位于乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔坦以南约80公里处的乌兹别克斯坦南部。它曾经是中亚的主要城市,今天主要被称为14世纪Turco-Mongol Conqueror Timur的发源地。扫描的纪念碑,库克·古巴兹(Kuk Gumbaz)(蓝色圆顶)清真寺,来自帖木儿王朝时代,在联合国教科文组织世界遗产名单上。这座纪念碑建于1437年,几个世纪以来,经历了几项修复和加强工作。

The historic monument was scanned from 13 stations with aLeica ScanStation C10。数据注册以旋风进行,对于最终注册中使用的所有扫描,误差不超过3 mm。纪念碑从外部,主厅内和楼梯内部进行扫描,门户和主结构之间有大裂缝。

“借助乌兹别克斯坦极端的大陆气候,研究团队需要确保它可以依靠这些工具。由于C10可以在-20至+50摄氏度的温度下工作,因此这是该项目的理想选择。” BNZ总监Brian Quigley说。“整个360°x 270°视场还确保扫描纪念碑的复杂表面将捕获所有功能,并使研究人员更简单。”

对纪念碑的云云进行了调查。研究了主要门户,该门户从穿过两个码头底部的垂直平面的倾斜度进行了研究。该门户的倾斜度从南向北增加,最大差分位移在顶部的北角0.6 m。为了确保该门户网站的这种倾向不进行,建议对激光扫描进行定期监测。还建议继续安装激光靶标,以提高监测的准确性。永久安装的目标提供了在不同时间收集的点云之间进行一致的比较。


Since there is a very large variability in the material properties of masonry walls, material tests were conducted on a brick recovered from the site. The material properties were used within the software for accurate modelling.





With HDS scanning combined with material testing, advanced calibrated models were produced, accounting for brick properties, current conditions, and previous structural reinforcements. Long-term monitoring is being strategised and conservation recommendations are being provided based on the research data, including the investigation of dampening devices at an active mosque with multiple structural concerns.

“Laser scanning helps us to capture structural anomalies of historical artefacts so we can help protect them for future generations,” said Amir Gilani, Miyamoto International, Manager of Earthquake Engineering Department. “Without this advanced technology, it would be challenging to get the as-found geometry of historic structures with accuracy of few millimetres that is essential for structural analysis.”

为了认识到团队收集的数据的努力和价值,点云被接受到Cyark 500挑战数据库中,这是一项国际努力,以分类和存档濒临灭绝的文化遗产。


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