Nathanya Koehn- She's got talent

从海尔布鲁(Heerbrugg)到美国达人秀的决赛 - 充满激情的实习生的工作与生活平衡见解

当Nathanya Koehn不支持瑞士Heerbrugg的Leica Geosystems办公室的产品营销团队时,她将与位于奥地利的杂技表演集团Zurcaroh一起演练是最令人惊叹的体操舞蹈例程,拥有超过10年的舞台经验。

The same hard work and team spirit that characterises Nathanya and her team led them to win second place overall in America’s Got Talent, a TV show with an average of 11 million viewers per season that attracts a variety of special-talent participants, from across the United States and abroad.

在莱茵河谷长大的市场和舞蹈爱好者来说,反射镜,灯光和评分意见出乎意料。Nathanya从小就知道Leica Geosystems。她的父亲是使用Leica Geosystems乐器工作的,他向Nathanya解释了“Leica Geosystems stands for precision and high quality”当他们开车去Heerbrugg的Leica Geosystems办事处。

“For me it is important that I can identify with what I am working and that I can see the sense behind it. Our products and solutions are really helping people to get their work done easier and with higher quality. We are helping people to get the best out of their work – I really love this about the company,”explained Nathanya.

This quest to commit her time to meaningful work motivated Nathanya to apply at Leica Geosystems. With her hard-working and helpful nature, she obtained an internship position in the Product Marketing Team. Nathanya is currently supporting the detection portfolio and value brands drafting brochures, social media or supporting events, such as Intergeo and Bauma.

“What I like the most is that I get to do some many different tasks and I am responsible for some projects. I go back home every day feeling I learned something new. Besides the exciting work, I have an amazing team and I feel very comfortable with them. I feel this is the best intern role I could ever get,”said Nathanya.

纳塔尼亚(Nathanya)知道,成功之路是充满奉献精神和毅力的铺平的,但大多数情况下,她认识到集体努力 - 团队合作 - 是真正有影响力的成就。纳撒亚(Nathanya)在Heerbrugg的团队的支持下,一次又一次地与Zurcaroh征服了Zurcaroh,给观众和评委的小组留下了深刻的印象。祖尔卡(Zurcaroh)凭借其令人叹为观止的拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)表演,进入了决赛,并在美国的Get Talent Show中获得了第二名。

“Being backstage at the Dolby theatre in Hollywood, were the Oscars are given out, staying next to the walk of fame– even if we didn’t see much of Los Angeles since we had to practice nonstop – and seeing how such a huge show is produced it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

“我们为整个经历感到非常高兴和感谢 - 我们觉得自己赢了。尽管我们没有获胜,但我们仍获得在全球表演的报价。我们激发了人们的启发,并收到了惊人的反馈 - 这是您有史以来最有价值的收益。”said Nathanya.

Currently, now that the show is over, Nathanya trains three times during the week and during the weekends.“As I love both, work and dancing, I get to live my passion so it is not a huge sacrifice. I try to take time for myself on those days that I don’t have practice and balance my time for work, friends, family and the church group I am leading,”said Nathanya“我真的很感激该公司在这次美国的人才之旅中给我的所有支持。”

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