
HxGN Live Anaheim Edition - June 2016

A Message from the President

Whether a movie set decorator needs to measure the single distance between two props or a scientist needs to map the 3D terrains of a wild frontier, dimensional intelligence gives us the ability to understand our world. With the deeper knowledge of the challenging environments we operate in, we can then perform better work that's needed to shape smart change around the globe.

维智力是理解自然灾害影响的关键。圣母大学的一个建筑团队使用Leica Geosystems激光扫描技术来找出著名的印度世界奇观(Taj Mahal)是否可以免受附近地震的可能影响,从而确保古代在结构上是合理的。同时,在意大利发生破坏性龙卷风之后,使用了Leica Pegasus:背包,以向当地政府提供关键信息,使康复和重建操作能够尽快进行,更安全。

没有维智能,就不可能产生质量结果。德国游轮建造者Meyer Werft确保将800吨重的块与Leica ScanStation P40一起放置,以建造当今高海上最大的船只。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀大学经济地质局的科学家使用莉卡·chiroptera(Leica Chiroptera)进行了数千个湖泊的精确度量,以确定地球上一些最偏远地区的冰路可以安全,可持续地建造。


Juergen Dold
President, Hexagon Geosystems

Read our customer stories here:

Sustaining an airport's health

Atlanta Airport keeps track of utilities efficiently using ZenoCollector.

Mapping the last frontier

使用Leica Chiroptera安全地绘制阿拉斯加巨大的苔原。

SOS shipbuilding on scans


Wish upon a laser



Barrick Gold Corp. uses Hexagon products to optimise production fleet management of a gold mine.

Levelling the cement playing field

Leica iCON products give the competitive advantage while manufacturing concrete paving machines.

Ensuring smooth flow

WSA Brunsbüttel modernises the Kiel Canal locks safely using the Leica GeoMoS.

Filling the need for survey speed

SANDIS uses Leica Geosystems solutions for demands of high accuracy with time and cost savings.


用Leica ScanStation P20记录明天几代的泰姬陵。

Overcoming from above

Using the Aibotix Aibot X6 UAV to gather needed data in rural Papa New Guinea.

Return to the high definition surveying seas

Documenting the historic Tudor warship May Rose, using the Leica Nova MS50.


Leica Pegasus:背包使测量师能够在疏散站点快速记录数据。

抬起多个机器人总站bob apple

挠度监测的新型火箭使用徕卡Nova MS50.


3D laser scanning measures hurricane damage at Ellis Island.

记者75- June 2016

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