保存罗马尼亚的speleological Heritage和Point Cloud和GNSS数据


作者:乔治·达米安(George Damian),雷纳塔·巴拉达斯(Renata Barradas)


为了保存和了解罗马尼亚的杂种遗产,顶级地理,Leica Geosystems在罗马尼亚的经销商,Laser扫描了Meziad Cave,这是西方喀尔巴阡山脉的6,298米自然奇观。Meziad Cave是罗马尼亚旅游业的第一个洞穴,以其壮观的地下景观而闻名。该洞穴也是东南欧洲最大的蝙蝠殖民地之一和微观特有生物的所在地(其中一些被限制在Meziad Cave上)。



Together with specialists of Spelemat, Top Geocart designed the project and planned for this mission inside the earth. This group of specialists, who understand, respect and promote the use of techniques and geospatial data, collected field data without impacting the environment. Besides using non-intrusive/non-invasive techniques, the team also had to consider the right timing to enter the cave as weather and the cave's river flow were crucial factors to succeed in this mission.

Specialists from Top Geocart used best-in-class software and hardware, including:

For point cloud alignment, modelling and GNSS network the team relied on:

该团队通过GNSS Spider Software运行的罗马尼亚国家参考站网络(ROMPOS)的实时更正,通过GS16和GS18 T GNSS RTK ROVERS进行了搜寻,并通过GS16和GS18 T GNSS RTK Rovers进行了地理参考。需要智能链接校正,因为山坡和树木的山区环境阻碍了该区域,并且不时丢失了GSM/GPRS信号。GS16和GS18 T使用SmartLink服务的能力是涵盖这些空白的关键,并且始终具有精确的位置。为了提供最准确的职位,该团队还依靠两位RTK流浪者的Leica RTKPLUS技术,因为它通过选择最佳GNSS信号来智能适应不断变化的条件。





Outside of the cave close to the entry, the team automatically and seamlessly transferred data from site to office using Leica Exchange, the exchange service provided by Leica Geosystems, reducing time in the inhospitable environment. Transferring the data easily between the field and the office with Leica Exchange allowed experts to perform a first check of the data onsite with Leica DISTO™ Transfer and Leica DISTO™ Plan App. UsingLeica Cyclone FIELD 360顶级地理automatically pre-registered and aligned scans at the cave's entrance.


Back in the office, point cloud data from the BLK360 and RTC360 was registered with Cyclone REGISTER 360. The GNSS data was checked and processed with Infinity software, in the GNSS project were imported the DISTO™ data, too. Together with Spelemat, Top Geocart created a unified point cloud, as Cyclone REGISTER 360 project, and exported in E57 and LGS formats to visualise it withJetstream观看器, a light-weight point cloud viewing tool. The E57 file was imported in Leica Cyclone 3DR to create meshes and compute digital terrain models (DTM) from point clouds.

专家们还创建了2D地形地图和3D DTM,其中包含来自GS16和GS18 T RTK Rovers的数据,以为访问者开发新的曲目和路径。从Disto™S910收集的数据中提取了带有3D点和图片的距离和CAD文件。

提供的数据将支持研究人员,游客和设施经理。它将指导旅游计划的可行性研究,并被用作营销材料,邀请游客探索这种自然的奇迹。Point Cloud交付成果为研究人员提供了洞穴的数字双胞胎,他们可以提取任何配置文件和3D测量。同时,GNSS数据帮助确定了为游客和科学家创造访问权限的领域和途径。

“Leica Geosystems and Top Geocart provide complete software and hardware set for the entire workflow. The sensors have the capabilities to work in difficult environments and meet the highest standards in measurement excellence. The management and specialists fromSpelematadmitted they were capable of working more efficiently and in more challenging environments than ever before,”said Viorel Lascu, cave management expert at Spelemat.

The success of capturing the Meziad Cave convinced Spelemat to invest in RTC360, BLK360, DISTO™ to keep exploring and understanding Romania’s natural wonders.




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