Unveiling the tomb of an ancient Egyptian priest

Case study

The digital documentation of heritage sites is a fundamental step to record the actual condition of an archaeological monument and facilitate the decision-making of experts for a comprehensive conservation plan.

Since 2005 The Mexican Archaeological Mission of TT39 agreed to an unusual, yet astonishing proposal to investigate, excavate and restore the pharaonic tomb of Puimra dating back to 1500 B.C. in Luxor, Egypt. The goal of the Mexican team in Luxor was to refurbish and document one of Egypt’s most important unrestored burial chambers and open its doors to the public.

With the help of theLeica BLK360imaging laser scanner and狮子旋风三维点云处理软件,是一个团队ble to carry out a precise survey of all underground chambers, exterior surroundings and detailed carvings and paintings on the walls. The digitalisation and restoration of the extensive tomb not only helped preserve the site for future generations but shed light on the reign of one of Egypt's few female pharaohs, Queen Hatshepsut.

Unfolding an ambitious restoration project

The tomb of Puimra dates back to the reign era of Queen Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III (circa 1478 – 1500 B.C.). Puimra was among the highly-respected magistrates, because as the second priest of the god Amun ─ a major ancient Egyptian deity ─ he participated in the construction of Queen Hatshepsut’s temples.

普伊姆拉(Puimra)在王国中的重要作用不仅体现在他埋葬坟墓的规模和复杂性中,而且在位于Theban Necropolis的Khokha的墙壁上也描绘了他的生活。该坟墓是作为一系列地下室和隧道建造的hypogeumconnected to the facade with a porch and decorated with stelae, false doors niches and low-relief baseboard in the exterior.

The main objective of the Mexican Archaeological Mission was to restore this architecturally-complex tomb in danger of collapsing and being lost forever. The joint effort of several Mexican archaeology, architecture, paintings restoration, hieroglyphic epigraphy and photography specialists from different Mexican institutions like Sociedad Mexicana de Egiptología, Universidad del Valle de México,研究所学院(INAH), Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores and SYSTOP, is led by Gabriela Arrache Vértiz, director of the Mexican Archaeological Mission. The project is supported by Manuel Villarruel Vázquez and Ángel Mora Flores, restorers and Leica Geosystems equipment experts at INAH.

“ Leica Geosystems的3D扫描技术促进了牧师遗产的保护,并帮助将其传统留在了子孙后代”突出显示ArracheVértiz。

The archaeological mission started in 2005 and continues until today. Year by year the team is closer to fulfil the following goals:

  • 对坟墓进行完整的调查。
  • 分析和诊断损失。
  • Design a conservation plan and develop the different phases of the restoration work.
  • Epigraphic analysis.
  • Consolidation and restoration of decorated walls, ceilings and vaults.
  • 恢复Bas浮雕雕刻。
  • Integrate modern methods into architectural and epigraphic surveys, using 3D laser scanning technology to shed light on the deterioration process and serve as the base for future research.
  • Facilitate the creation of a cultural and educational program, including printed and digital documents based on the 3D survey.



“由于使用Leica Geosystems设备有超过12年的经验,我们毫无疑问,我们需要BLK360,这是一种激光扫描解决方案,以实现最高质量和精确度,”said Villarruel Vázquez, coordinator of the architectural restoration team from INAH.


Point clouds and spherical images were collected to a digital database, including floor plans, 3D models and architectural plans. The lost segments of the walls, vaults and structural cracks were, in addition, registered and digitally documented for further reconstruction and research.

Leaving a legacy for future generations with the help of laser scanning


Thanks to the high reliability of the results obtained and the long-term low cost of ownership of the BLK360, Leica Geosystems’ laser scanning technology will be used until the completion of the restoration project.

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