Documenting London’s boroughs to solve parking problem


作者:Penny Boviatsou



托运是一家位于伦敦的Kerbside Management and Emibility技术公司award-winning parking app这使用户可以看到和理解所有街道停车场,限制和操作时间,除了街外停车场,还可以帮助用户在到达前的地方做出明智的选择。

“我们的任务是通过提供最佳的路边停车信息,使驾驶员的停车位忘记,以便他们可以找到最接近和最便宜的选择。我们还与地方当局紧密合作,以帮助他们通过数据驱动的解决方案更好地管理其Kerbside资产,以提高驾驶员和企业的合规性和安全访问权限,”said Dan Hubert, CEO and founder of AppyParking.

需要调查伦敦的Kerbsides需要创建所有停车区的准确地图across the capital. The parking company approachedGetMapping PLC在整个欧洲和非洲的领先的航空摄影,移动映射,激光雷达,数字地图和基于Web的服务的提供商,旨在对伦敦的停车场进行移动映射调查。

With more than 20 years of experience in capturing and processing large volumes of geospatial data, Getmapping invested in twoLeica Pegasus:Two Ultimatemobile mapping systems to survey London’s boroughs for欧洲最大的移动映射项目


Project planning was crucial for the project’s success. Getmapping wanted to ensure the project would run smoothly according to a plan. The initial捕获六个伦敦自治市镇的停车数据was required in autumn 2017/18 with progressing phases through the first six months of 2018.

一支由三名测量师组成的团队开车25 kilometres per daywith the Leica Pegasus:Two around London’s boroughs to simultaneously收集图像和激增的数据。在整个冬季,可能会进行测量的光线不佳,并且在道路上不需要测量人员或交通管理人员 - 所有数据都是从车辆的安全性中捕获的。

Once the data collection was completed, data was transferred back to the office in hard disks. Two team members processed the data using theLeica Pegasus:经理生成同时定位和映射(SLAM)校正的轨迹,以及全景图像和彩色点云。

“The progress of surveying methods and mobile mapping systems opens new perspectives for the collection of road data. With the Leica Pegasus:Two Ultimate we were able to smoothly collect data, travelling around the survey sites around London, with no traffic management or road closures required,”GetMaping集团创新总监Martin Tocher说。

More data, faster

The capture of parking data in further13伦敦自治市镇立即开始,并于2018年中期完成。

GetMapping购买了一个Pegasus:两个终极的移动映射系统,并将现有的Pegasus升级到了两个终极版本,以完成该项目。PEGASUS:两个最终允许在各种照明条件和车辆速度下捕获 - 大型传感器与像素比和双光传感器可以实现更高的动态范围。随着12百万像素和板载JPEG压缩的增加,摄影测量和图像质量得到了提高。

“ Leica Pegasus:两个Utlimate的高分辨率摄像头系统提供了更好的图像质量,再加上双鱼眼相机系统,提供了“免费缝制””图片。” GetMapping欧洲运营经理Alexandre Alves说。“By utilising Leica Geosystems’ latest mobile mapping technology, which has three times the resolution compared to a standard system, the volume of data handled by Getmapping increased threefold, and we upscaled our processing resources to handle the huge volume of data that phase two required.”

100天的测量, the results of the two phases were:

  • 所有人的调查parking zones across 19 London boroughsand five cities
  • 多于6,500-line km capturedin city environments with multiple passes to avoid data occlusions
  • 1 million points of data每秒捕获
  • 19 terabytes of raw data collected
  • 52个数据的数据
  • 27个每个受控停车区提取的功能
  • 最终相对准确性比1.5厘米
  • Final absolute精度优于4厘米
  • 最大值 - 移动映射reduces the average survey time乘以80%与传统的调查方法相比。

The captured imagery and point cloud data, along with associated feature extractions, enables AppyParking to deliver高清交通管理数据到他们的智能停车系统。GetMapping的移动地图团队提前提供了最终数据,还调查了布莱顿,剑桥,牛津,朴次茅斯和考文垂,以支持Appyparking的智能停车命题。客户的期望是现在调查欧洲各地的城市。

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