Terms of use

Your access to and use of the web sites and pages currently located at www.sendai-torema.com (collectively, the “Site”) and owned by Leica Geosystems AG, Switzerland (“Leica Geosystems”) is subject to the following terms and conditions which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you, and all applicable laws. In consideration of your use of the Site, or any individual or entity on whose behalf a user accesses or uses the Site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the following "Terms and Conditions” and agree to be bound by thePrivacy Policy. In addition, when purchasing any particular Leica Geosystems products and/or using any particular Leica Geosystems services, you will be subject to and agree to be contractually bound by any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such products and/or services which may be posted from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.
Please read these rules carefully and often as they are subject to change.

Terms and Conditions

1.Description of Service
2。Privacy Policy
3。Copyright Information
4。Use Of Images
5.Trademark Information
6.Leica Geosystems Use of Material
7.Links and Advertisers
8.Leica Geosystems User Conduct
10.Disclaimer of Warranties
13。Notices and Procedures for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement

目前徕卡呈规则为用户提供了access to a rich collection of online resources, including, information regarding LEICA GEOSYSTEMS products, support services and a system for purchasing LEICA GEOSYSTEMS products. You understand and agree that the Site is provided "as is" and that Leica Geosystems assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any user communications. In order to use the Site, you must obtain access to the World Wide Web, either directly or through devices that access web-based content, and pay any service fees associated with such access or utilize free public access available through public libraries. In addition, you must provide or obtain access to all equipment necessary to make such connection to the World Wide Web, including a computer and modem or other access device. Leica Geosystems maintains this Site for your personal entertainment, information and education. Please feel free to browse the Site. You may print or download material owned by Leica Geosystems displayed on the Site for noncommercial, personal use only, provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, sell, reverse engineer, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, use, or create derivative works based on the content of the Site in whole or in part for any purpose, without written permission from Leica Geosystems or the owner of such content in each instance.

Registration data and certain other information about you is subject to the Privacy Policy. For more information, please see the full隐私政策.

3。Copyright Information
You should assume that everything you see or read on the Site is copyright protected unless otherwise noted, and may not be used except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, without the written permission of Leica Geosystems. Leica Geosystems neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Site will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with Leica Geosystems.

4。Use Of Images
Images of people or places displayed on the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by, Leica Geosystems. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms and Conditions. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

5. Trademark Information
网站上显示的商标,徽标和服务标记已注册,Leica Geosystems等人的普通法商标(统称为“商标”)。未经Leica Geosystems或可能拥有商标的第三方书面许可,本网站上的任何内容不应将任何使用任何商标的许可或其他使用任何商标的许可解释为任何使用任何商标的许可或权利。严格禁止您使用商标或网站上的任何其他内容,除非这些条款和条件中提供。您还建议您,Leica Geosystems将在法律的最大范围内积极执行其知识产权。

6. Leica Geosystems使用材料。
Any communication or material you transmit to the Site by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like is, and will be treated as, nonconfidential and nonproprietary. By transmitting or posting anything to Leica Geosystems or the Site, you grant Leica Geosystems or its affiliates an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free nonexclusive license to reproduce, modify, adopt and publish such materials, in whole or in part for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting in any media now known or later developed. Furthermore, Leica Geosystems is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any communication you send to the Site for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products or services using such information. Through your usage of the Site, you may submit and/or Leica Geosystems may gather certain limited information about you and your web site usage subject to the Leica Geosystems Privacy Policy.

Leica Geosystems尚未审查与该网站相关的任何或所有站点,也不对任何异地页面或与网站链接的任何其他网站的内容负责。您链接到网站,异地页面或其他站点的风险自发,而没有建议,认可或责任Leica Geosystems。您在网站上或通过网站上或通过网站上找到的广告商的函数或业务打交道,包括相关商品或服务的付款和交付,以及与此类交易相关的任何其他条款,条件,条件,保证或陈述仅在您和此类交易之间广告商。Leica Geosystems对任何此类交易的度假胜地或该网站上存在此类广告商的结果的任何损失或损害概不负责。我们欢迎链接到该网站。只要链接的链接和使用不说明或暗示Leica GeoSystems对您或您的网站的任何赞助,认可或隶属关系,您就可以自由建立与本网站的超文本链接。未经Leica GeoSystems事先书面许可,您不得框架网站的任何内容,也不会纳入另一个网站或其他服务,即Leica Geosystems或其任何许可人的知识产权。

8. Leica Geosystems User Conduct
禁止您违反或试图违反网站的安全性,包括但不限于(a)访问不打算用于此类用户的数据或登录服务器或帐户,用户无权访问该数据,(b)尝试探究,扫描或测试系统或网络的漏洞,或者在未经适当授权的情况下违反安全性或身份验证措施,(c)试图通过提交一项提交手段的方式来干扰任何用户,主机或网络,包括但不限于到该网站的病毒,超载,“洪水”,“垃圾邮件”,“邮寄炸弹”或“崩溃”,(d)发送未经请求的电子邮件,包括产品或服务的促销和/或广告,或(e)锻造任何TCPbob综合app下载/IP数据包标题或任何电子邮件或新闻组发布中的任何部分信息。违反系统或网络安全可能会导致民事或刑事责任。Leica Geosystems将调查可能涉及此类违规行为的事件,并可能涉及并与执法部门合作,以起诉参与此类违规行为的用户。

9. Disclaimer
Leica Geosystems makes no warranties or representations as to the Site or its accuracy. Leica Geosystems assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content or operation of the Site. In the event a Leica Geosystems product or service is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical error or error in pricing information received from our suppliers, Leica Geosystems shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product or service listed at the incorrect price. Leica Geosystems shall have the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, Leica Geosystems shall issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price.

10. Disclaimer of Warranties
您在网站中使用和浏览的风险。您理解并同意,Leica Geosystems对任何通信的及时性,删除或误解都不承担任何责任。Leica GeoSystems,其任何分支机构,广告商,其及其董事,官员和员工以及参与创建,生产或交付本网站的任何其他方对出现的任何直接,偶然,后果,间接或惩罚性损害均不承担任何责任从您访问或使用该网站的情况下。在不限制上述内容的情况下,本网站上的所有内容都是“原样”和“可用”的,而无表示明示或暗示的任何形式的保证,包括但不限于对适销性的隐含保证,适用于特定的适用性目的或非侵扰。在任何情况下,Leica Geosystems均不对任何直接,间接,特殊,惩罚性,偶然,典型,示例性或结果均不承担任何责任根据合同,疏忽或任何其他理论,是由本网站可用的信息,服务,产品和材料的使用,无法使用或性能而引起的。bob综合app下载这些限制应适用于任何有限补救措施的基本目的。请注意,某些司法管辖区可能不允许排除隐含的保证,因此上述某些排除可能不适用于您。 Leica Geosystems also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Site or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from the Site.

软件and other materials from this Site may also be subject to export controls of Switzerland, the United States and/or such other country whose export restriction may apply. Export Control laws prohibit the export of certain technical data and software to certain territories. No software from this Site may be downloaded or exported to any such countries, companies and/or individuals that may be subject to such export restrictions. Leica Geosystems does not authorize the downloading or exportation of any software or technical data from this Site to any jurisdiction prohibited by the Export Laws.

Leica Geosystems reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part thereof) with or without notice for any reason or no reason whatsoever. You agree that Leica Geosystems shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.

13。Notices and Procedures for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
应将侵犯版权侵权的通知发送到该网站的指定代理,其地址在下面列出。ALL INQUIRIES NOT RELEVANT TO OR NOT COMPLYING WITH THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WILL RECEIVE NO RESPONSE.Leica Geosystems respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users and visitors to do the same. Leica Geosystems will process and investigate notices of alleged infringement and will take appropriate actions under any applicable intellectual property laws. Upon receipt of notices, Leica Geosystems will act to remove or disable access to any material found to be infringing or found to be the subject of infringing activity and will act to remove or disable access to any reference or link to material or activity that is found to be infringing.
If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Leica Geosystems the following information. Please be advised that to be effective, the Notification must include ALL of the following:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive copyright that is allegedly infringed;
  2. a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
  3. a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Site;
  4. your address, telephone number, and email address and all other information reasonably sufficient to permit Leica Geosystems to contact you;
  5. 您的声明说,您有一个真诚的信念,即版权所有者,其代理人或法律没有授权有争议的使用;
  6. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Notices of claimed copyright infringement should be directed to:
By mail:
Leica Geosystems A.G.
Corporate Legal Services
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
By fax: + 41 71 727 4700


这构成了您与利卡奇地理系统之间关于使用该网站的整个协议,取代了您与Leica Geosystems在使用该网站上的任何事先协议。当您使用Disto™在线商店,会员服务,第三方内容或第三方软件时,您可能还会受到可能适用的其他条款和条件。Leica Geosystems可以随时通过更新此发布来修改这些条款和条件。您受任何此类修订的约束,因此应定期访问此页面,以查看当时所约束的当前条款和条件。Leica Geosystems未能行使或执行条款和条件的任何权利或规定,不应放弃此类规定。您对本网站的使用应在瑞士法律的各个方面受到管辖,而不考虑法律规定的选择,而不是1980年《联合国国际商品销售合同公约》。您同意,与本网站直接或间接有关的任何法律程序中的管辖权和地点(包括但不限于购买Leica Geosystems产品)的管辖权应在普通法院位于Leica Geosystems的普通法院。bob综合app下载瑞士巴尔加奇。您可能对本网站(包括但不限于购买Leica Geosystems产品的购买)可能有任何诉讼因由或索赔,必须在索赔或诉讼因由发生后的一(1)年内开始。bob综合app下载Leica Geosystems未能坚持或执行这些条款和条件的任何规定的严格绩效,不得解释为放弃任何规定或权利。 Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor trade practice shall act to modify any of these terms and conditions. Leica Geosystems may assign its rights and duties under this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you. Leica Geosystems makes no representation that materials in the Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from territories where their content is illegal or prohibited. Those who choose to access this Site from locations outside Switzerland do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. You may not use or export the materials in violation of any export laws and regulations. Any claim relating to the materials shall be governed by the substantive laws of Switzerland.

Copyright © 2019 Leica Geosystems. All rights reserved.

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