Miguel Gomez - Turning ideas into action

Leica Geosystems的软件开发中心经理

Leica Geosystems的软件开发中心经理Miguel Gomez与他的团队在马德里调整全站仪和GNSS车载软件的特定客户工作流程,为客户现有的Leica Geosystems解决方案增加额外价值。

Miguel turned an innovative idea into a solution that addresses real-life problems from the field – the Inspect Surface app used with the Leica Captivate software.

When the Leica MS60 MultiStation integrated mergeTEC, the industry-leading way to combine measuring technologies, it became able to scan with the accuracy of a high precision total station. This new technology opened the door to new ideas for Miguel. He asked himself if users could make faster decisions while still in-the-field by utilising this new 3D point cloud information. This idea lead to developing an app that put to use the measuring precision and visualisation of the data collected with Captivate while still on location.

"The idea was really logical. Every night on TV we see on the news a colour map showing the weather. We make our decisions of what to do on the weekend just by looking at this the map for only a few seconds,” says Miguel. “From the beginning we saw a high potential in the Inspect Surfaces application because it provides a solution that nobody had on the market.”

Inspect Surface应用程序为客户提供了惊人的成本和时间节省。客户不再需要返回办公室以在后处理软件中上传其数据。现在数据的比较可以实时和现场进行。用户可以节省所需的材料数量,甚至可以制造质量的支票,实现更高效和更高效的客户工作流程。

Miguel and his colleagues at the European Software Development Centre (SWDC) in Madrid create bespoke apps for both Leica Captivate and SmartWorx Viva so workflows are smoother for Leica Geosystems users. Working relentlessly to develop new approaches for old problems that result into tailored solutions to customers’ measurement challenges is one face of shaping smart change.

Miguel Gomez

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