Leica Aibot SkyCapp

Professional flight execution app for highest safety for UAV operations

UAV sensor

Leica Aibot SkyCappis designed for optimal control of the Leica Aibot UAV platform during flight execution. Manage the mission and automatically capture data according to pre-set flight plans. Primary and secondary screen views allow pilots to switch between real-time streaming of two on-board cameras and a map view. Seamlessly pause and resume missions, manage battery life safely and easily switch between camera and video mode so you can focus on flying the UAV.

Aibot SkyCapp改善了Leica Aibot的飞行体验,并通过自动化重要的飞行功能和系统配置来支持飞行员。


Leica Aibot v2.0

Aibot v2.0 with oblique workflow has been released. Read more and watch flythrough videos.
Aibot v2.0 with oblique workflow has been released. Read more and watch flythrough videos.





Find out which UAV use cases are most commonly used in the surveying and construction industries to increase performance and make day-to-day operation more efficient.
Find out which UAV use cases are most commonly used in the surveying and construction industries to increase performance and make day-to-day operation more efficient.