Leica CloudWorx for Navisworks

Point cloud plug-in for Navisworks

Efficient management, viewing and review of as-built laser scan data and 3D project design models for architectural, plant and civil planning and construction projects.

NavisWorks的Leica CloudWorx是一种新的插件软件,用于直接在NavisWorks内使用激光扫描仪捕获的原始点云数据。用户利用熟悉的NavisWorks接口和工具来缩短学习曲线以使用激光扫描数据。

Leica CloudWorx和功能强大的Leica Cyclone和New Jetstream Point Cloud引擎使用户有效地可视化和处理大点云数据集作为虚拟型号型号,检查针对现有条件的拟议设计,执行关键的建筑和制造QA等……直接在NavisWorks内。

Leica CloudWorx for Navisworks a provides greatly improved point cloud rendering environment resulting in a much improved user experience, unlimited size project scale and greatly improved productivity, on the order of a 50% improvement over the built in capabilities.


    • Optional Cyclone or JetStream data sources
    • Work in Navisworks with point clouds from any laser scanner or point cloud-creating 3D sensor, including hand-held, terrestrial, mobile, UAV, and aerial
    • Manipulate and navigate large point cloud data sets faster, including slices, sections, and limit boxes
    • 消除对点云文件格式的耗时导出/导入过程的需求
    • Clash Manager for clash and anti-clash detection with export utility for easy reporting
    • Improve point cloud visualisation with colour mapping control
    • TruSpace panoramic viewer with background images for intuitive interaction with and driving of the point cloud in the application’s viewing pane
    • 保存的项目环境设置
    • English, German, Japanese and other languages available

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    Leia como nossos客户de todo o mundoestãoColocandodiversassoluçõesemaçãoParapara Moldar amudançainteligente。

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    Entre em contato conosco para maiores informações sobre nosso portfólio de scaner a laser.

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