Creating new 3D experiences and services for real estate

Customer Profile

Author:Kevin Rinaldi-Young


英国的空间数据公司于2015年推出Pupilwas one of those companies with a tangible and ambitious vision on how geospatial assets could revolutionise the valuation of real estate. WhenLeica Geosystems在2016年11月揭示了世界上最小,最容易使用的现实捕获激光扫描仪,bob综合app赌博Leica BLK360, Pupil was presented with the perfect tool to capture 360° High Dynamic Range (HDR) spherical imagery and point cloud data within minutes. This miniaturised 3D imaging laser scanner hasenabled a raft of new applications in architecture, design, construction and engineering并在数据学生今天发挥着重要作用。



两家公司都在使其任务保持一致民主化访问准确的数据, which is manifested in the deliverables Pupil provide to its clients.3D reconstructionandscene-understanding systemsallow Pupil to take real-world spaces and convert them intohyper-accurate digital records。This guarantees correct measurements that assist accurate valuations and help to avoid potentially misleading real estate transactions.

Founded four years ago by James D. Marshall (CEO), Oliver Breach (COO) and David Mullett (CDO), Pupil’s aim is to capture, publish and deliver 3D information available on an industrial scale. With a team of more than 85 employees based in central London and an advisory board made up of former senior executives at companies including JPMorgan, Uber and IAC, Pupil launched its first brand,Spec,2018年6月。

Spec cross-out to build the new standard for the residential property industry by offering agents ensured and accurate assets, including:

  • 专业摄影
  • 360° imagery
  • 平面图
  • 沉浸式VR含量
  • Area measurement reports
  • 条件报告。

Pupil is also currently at a beta stage with its second brand which focuses solely on the commercial property market - Stak.

The mission

Even though the residential and commercial property markets require different processes and deliverables, Spec and Stak both rely on the data collected by the BLK360 imaging laser scanner. By placing this technology in hands of a qualified team of digital surveyors, more than30亿个测量点are captured each week, translating into millions of square metres in the real world. To support global consistency and transparency in data, Pupil works in partnership with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) towards setting new surveying industry standards.


在触摸按钮时,BLK360捕获360°HDR球形图像and takes a360,000 point per second激光扫描+-4 millimetre accuracy at 10 metres with an overall 0.6 to 60 metre range。It's only minutes before the spherical image and laser scan are complete and available to view on the digital surveyor propriety app, before being uploaded to the cloud.“The intuitive usability and highly accurate data delivery are truly game-changing for us,”says James Hennessey, Pupil head of computer vision.“我们获取ything within a property with a level of accuracy that ensures trust and confidence in our digital assets.”

Hennessey leads Pupil’s team of research engineers who work on capturing, processing and understanding the geometric data gathered by the BLK360. He and his team are responsible for creating high-fidelity 3D reconstructions, professional-grade images and applying computational photography techniques and machine learning to understand what has been captured.

Pupil designed and now deploys its own software that seamlessly combines with Leica Geosystems’ 3D imaging laser scanner.“Our current capture and data pipeline are integrated with the BLK360 and has enabled us to produce better data and faster imagery than ever before,”adds Hennessey.“对于我们服务的工业规模和数字测量师日的移动性质,轻量级的BLK360确实重新定义了我们规格和Stak捕获和服务的速度和质量。”


学生认为激光扫描和技术,例如BLK360,不仅会重新定义建筑环境的未来以及对属性的重视和交易方式,而且还可以提供在室内空间中及其周围无数其他应用程序的数据。设备,例如由Leica Geosystems, are helping to make this a reality for the real estate industry and are also disrupting and leading other industries in the right direction toward more accurate data.

“Leica Geosystems’ accurate and easy-to-use laser scanning devices are currently allowing us to offer more reliable and accurate property measurements to our customers. In the future, using this high-quality data and artificial intelligence will also allow us to offer a series of new products and experiences to them,”says Hennessey. Now, more than ever, building trust with customers is a priority for businesses like Pupil that want tostay one step ahead in a rapidly changing market and technology landscape

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