

2017年飓风季节是有记录以来最昂贵的,估计损失向上3006亿美元。至recover from such destructive events, communities need financial support, provided by government organisations and mostly insurance companies.


Founded in 2012 to bring a critical service in-house, Geomni uses遥感和图像捕获to create complete packages of data for property professionals, from insurance agents to roofers, to accurately provide services to their clients. One of the instruments the firm uses to collect this detailed data is theLeica CityMapperairborne hybrid sensor.

Ensuring estimates

When hurricanes, such as the major trio from 2017 - Michael, Irma and Maria – threaten an area, insurance and risk analysis firms begin crunching the numbers. Teams of mathematicians, statisticians, meteorologists and structural engineers work from combined data sources to make准确估计损坏

The data includes weather forecasts, projected wind speeds, past insurance claims from similar affected areas, and the structural details of buildings in the predicted path of the hurricane. Knowing the estimated damage costs helps insurance companies set支付索赔的资源储备,计划在哪里发送访问者,并制定战略计划,以覆盖广泛的损害,例如2017年飓风季节造成的损失。

The last data factor, understanding individual buildings, is where Geomni specialises. The complete data packages the firm creates contains detailed information about a property, including measurements for roofs, windows, walls, doors and more. The packages also include the capture of data about surrounding structures, such as patios, pools and landscaped assets. This accurate data gives accessors a在图片前完成when需要进行比较after a destructive event occurs.

“有了这种理解,我们的目标是捕获和处理全美尽可能多的属性的高分辨率空中倾斜图像和其他类型的地理空间数据,”Geomni数据战略高级副总裁Magnus Olson说。“我们已经能够找到high-resolution imagery并简化与CityMapper的飞行过程。对以前条件的这种理解巨大的数据库单个结构is critical to being able to provide prompt, accurate assessments of damage after any event.”


作为一家骄傲,自给自足的公司,Geomni搜索了faster and more reliable way to provide its clients the detailed imagery需要快速进行损害估计并处理索赔付款。通过区域分散的飞机和配备CityMapper的组合,该公司现在正在提供导致几天依靠外部承包商来捕获空中图像时,与其说几个月。

今天,Geomni有自己的舰队的飞机在中心s strategically located across the United States, many of which are equipped with CityMapper airborne sensors. The ability to provide both LiDAR and oblique imagery in one pass with the world’s first hybrid airborne sensor is alsobringing new opportunitiesto the firm.

“有两种类型的数据,我们都有更大的灵活性来从事不同类型的工作。”奥尔森说。“Not only can we serve our core markets, like insurance, but we’re also expanding into traditional geospatial markets, such as surveying and mapping.”

由于科学家预测气候变化将继续提升飓风和其他自然事件,因此需要更好地理解受这些自然力量威胁的结构的需求增加。高质量的空中图像提供了一种手段,不仅了解基本结构,还可以建筑物和周围资产的细节that could possibly be affected. The more that is known about these structures, the more capable insurance companies are to provide needed resources and the better able communities will be to recover from disasters.

Though Geomni supports post-disaster response, the company’s main focus is baseline imagery. Also collected with the CityMapper, baseline imagery is collected on a yearly basis with bi-annual updates. Geomni aims to fly all cities and urban areas in the United States with a population of 15,000 or more, and it makes tailored baseline imagery available according to customers’ unique needs.


“通过使用基线图像,用户在起草竞标方面更快,更有效;Geomni数据策略高级副总裁Magnus Olson说:“确切地知道他们需要做什么才能完成工作。”“在Geomni,我们的工作是使我们的客户通过为他们提供最准确的数据来完成最佳的工作。”

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