Leica Caintivate版本2 10

TheLeica Captivate ExperienceLeica Captivate v2.10的发布继续。我们已要求Leica Geosystems Field SW业务总监Alastair Green解释有关此最新软件版本的更多信息。

阿拉斯泰尔,为什么这个版本被称为吸引v2。10 and not v3.00?

Until now, and even going back to SmartWorx with System1200 and SmartWorx Viva, we typically had one large major software update with many new features per year. Customers have told us they would prefer to have more frequent software updates - even if this means a relatively smaller number of features in these releases.

基于此输入,我们决定拥有“迷你释放”。由于它是:“迷你释放”,我们已编号版本v2.10-因此,Leica Captivate v2.10于2016年9月发布。

Typically, we are hoping to have a mini-release every 3-4 months, so the next will be Leica Captivate v2.20 in early 2017.

Leica Caintivate v2.10的新功能是什么?

We have really visited a lot of customers in the last 12 months and received excellent feedback as to what customers would like... so v2.10, is primarily based on this input...

The most frequently requested wish was the ability to hide the 3D viewer in the Measure app. Customers told us they love the new way of coding (watch thisvideoon coding and linework basics, andthis video关于编码和线条的其他功能)并喜欢3D查看器(观看this videoon how to use the 3D viewer) – but did not necessarily need to see the 3D viewer all the time. They would prefer to see more code boxes and also be able to see and edit the target height.


Leica CaptivateLeica Captivate

This is possible by pressing the new buttons or from the keyboard by pressing Fn, and then while holding down the Fn key, press arrow right and left.

What other customer wishes found their way into Leica Captivate v2.10?

Quite a few! Here is a bullet point list with a quick explanation of the benefit of the new features

  • 在所有列表中搜索的能力。
  • This now speeds up the ability to search for objects such as free codes, jobs and so on.

  • 在工作中,旋转木马的图标现在直接显示了是否存储在SD卡上。
  • 这使您更容易查看哪个工作在哪里。

  • For all staking methods switch to bulls-eye view when within 0.5m of the point.
  • Leica Captivate有几种不同的方法可以导航到被固定的点-2D视图,3D视图,“ navi”视图,经典视图...对于所有方法,图形将在0.5m的0.5m之内切换到简单的公牛眼视图重点 - 这确实加速了

  • Remember the last used view in the stake apps.
  • Customers told us they tend to find their favourite method of staking and stick with it. With Leica Captivate v2.10, the last chosen method is now remembered for the next time the app is used.

  • More hot keys.
  • Customers love hot keys! These are "short-cuts" to access certain screens or activate/de-activate certain functionality we have added the extra following short cuts...

  • Load working style
  • Load RTK profile
  • Access RTK settings
  • Select server/mountpoint
  • Atmospheric corrections
  • Select target
  • Toggle between once/once & fast TS measure modes
  • Toggle PowerSearch filter on/off
  • 切换v角度打开/关
  • Pop-up keyboard
  • Sketch pad

And lots more!

How can someone find out more about Leica Captivate v2.10?

Easy! Download the comprehensive release notes from myWorld - all you need to know is in the release notes.


Alastair Green
Leica Geosystems Field SW business director

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Leia como nossos clientes de todo o mundo estão colocando diversas soluções em ação para moldar a mudança inteligente.

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