From tape to point cloud

Case Study

BLK360 Denmark

作者:Arno Kijzerwaard

To measure is to know

该短语是我们如何获取知识和改进任何方法的基础。最终,这句话也被具有尺寸相关职业的人使用,例如荷兰工程公司Groothedde的所有者Pascal Groothedde。




过去,当需要尺寸时,使用尺寸胶带。磁带量后来被激光距离计替换。由于Groothedde经常独自工作,所以一个左撇子TM值S910 laser distance metre eased the job. As projects gained complexity, the DISTOTM值with 3D measurement technology proved to be the right tool. With point-to-point measurement technology, Groothedde could capture accurate measurements in 3D from one single tripod position in, for example, old buildings, measuring the walls and ceilings, which not always are perpendicular to one another.

散落TM值S910 is still used when a customer only needs a few dimensions, but recently, Groothedde invested in the Leica BLK360 imaging laser scanner, opening new opportunities for his company.

Using the 3D imaging laser scanning, Groothedde discovered a快速且简单的方法来捕获测量和产生的信息。与Blk360一起,与iPad Pro一起使用Recap Pro Mobile,一个efficient workflowis in place to make 2D floorplans, cross sections and 3D models.

“It is always a challenge to capture the right information for each project. You want to measure as much as possible on site to make sure you have everything you need when you arrive at the office, but you can only work within the possibilities of the equipment you have. Previously, the projects were measured with a traditional DISTOTM值

由于目前在3D激光扫描中的发展以及BLK360的发布,我们决定投资于成像激光扫描仪。由于BLK360的测量每秒高达360,000点,因此我们不必担心是否在现场测量了足够的积分。我现在可以比以往任何时候都接受不同,更复杂的项目,并且更好地满足了客户的需求。”said Groothedde.



One of the first projects where Groothedde used the BLK360 was an architectural masterpiece of the Tilburg University in the Netherlands. With almost no straight surfaces and curved walls, the BLK360 proved immediately its strength.

The BLK360 is also used by the company to capture the reality of retail buildings. Shops in old city centres have a complex layout and are often built with no straight walls and straight lines in the interior. Using the BLK360, Groothedde was not only more efficient capturing a set of stores in the centre of Nijverdal, Netherlands, but also caused less disturbances to the businesses. The captured point clouds generated 2D floor plans for the contractor. Where a project in the past used to cost a day, now reality capture is done inone or two hours

3D成像激光扫描仪也使您可以从外部扫描4750立方米建筑物将在豪华公寓中进行改建。所有者需要规划的尺寸,以及轻量级,1公斤BLK360 proved to be big enough for this task.

“Due to the small dimensions and the 60-metre range of the laser scanner, it was possible to get in the smallest spaces. Even a few scans from the gutter, at 31 metres above ground level, were made due the small size of the scanner. On the other hand, it was possible to measure the façade from ground level,said Groothedde.



With a DISTOTM值S910和BLK360,Groothedde涵盖了他的大部分建筑建设和零售项目需求。可以更快地完成项目,并且可以轻松地使用点云数据来制作2D平面图,横截面和完整的3D模型,例如AutoCAD或Revit。

“ BLK360物有所值。结合iPad Pro,它可以立即在现场提供反馈 - 使用平板电脑,您可以立即看到您捕获的内容,需要的内容以及扫描是否足够重叠,”said Groothedde.


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