The Reality Capture of Ellis Island

Chapter 1: Hurricane takes a hit on history


For 62 years, New York Bay’s small Ellis Island was the United States’ first and primary immigration inspection centre, processing more than 12 million immigrants from 1892 to 1954. Today, the island with its Main Immigration Building and many ancillary structures is a U.S. National Monument and receives 3.5 million plus visitors annually as part of the U.S. National Park Service (NPS).

Hurricane takes a hit on history

2012年,桑迪飓风轰炸了美国的东海岸,并以猛烈的风和潮汐潮流席卷了近4.3米。在整个国家纪念碑中遭受了损失,包括1900 - 1909年已经破旧的格鲁吉亚复兴医院建筑,主要移民大楼和1950年代的公园住房。几乎每个结构的地下室都被淹没了。



探索下一章:Reality capture for rehabilitation and interpretation

Story: The reality capture of Ellis Island
Chapter 1: Hurricane takes a hit on history
第2章:Reality capture for rehabilitation and interpretation

记者75 -Junho 2016

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